After a while the waiter came back over with our food, it take long for us to dig in enjoying the food infront of us. "How's Nattie doing?" Kae asked I shrugged not really having a solid answer.

"I call her and she'll say she's good but we all know that's a lie I might fly down this weekend and check up on her see if there's anything else I can do" I say since that was all I could really do if push came to shove and she asked me to talk to Marcel then without a doubt I would.

"Hey isn't that Ben?" India pointed out my eyes widened by the mention of his name but I didn't look to where she was looking it wouldn't be too much for me to turn around and see"oh shit it is" Kae mumbled panic running over her face my back was turned to the entrance of the restaurant so I couldn't see what they were seeing all that was running through my mind was that if Ben was here then he wasn't too far behind him.

"India No! Put your hand down!" I said hoping that wouldn't get his attention but by the look on Kaes face it was too late. "Shit sorry I thought he was by himself" she apologized making a face India didn't know I had a problem with Ben because we never spoke about it but she did know I had one With his friend since it was all over the blog sites.

"They're coming over right now you have time to get up do you want to?" Kae asked trying to make the panic on my face go away "no no it's cool I can do it I'll just be on my phone" I picked my phone up immediately going through my emails.

"Wassup ladies how are you doing today?" Ben came over cheerful as ever beginning to give everyone hugs when he got to me he knew better instead he just gave me a wave while I reciprocated with a small smile "hey Ben how are you?" India spoke to him I didn't know what Kae was doing but all I knew was that my head my back down in my phone.

It didn't take long for me to feel his presence it was like my body knew him just by his smell. Instead of looking up I began typing on my phone sending an email to Scooter asking about my shoot next week. "How y'all doing" he finally spoke up making his presence officially known.

"Naya" my name slipped out of his lips, I tried so hard to ignore it but I couldn't my body was moving before my mind could tell it to stop. Looking away from my phone I looked beside me to see him already looking down at me. You could cut the tension with a knife that's how awkward it was right now. I didn't say anything instead I stared what else was I suppose to do ask him how his life was? how he was doing? is he hurting as much as me? Why was he back from his Vacation already? Did he miss me?

I couldn't ask any of those questions because i knew the answer to them his life was fine great actually, he's doing fine healthy and better as ever from what I can see, he's obviously not hurting since he's been out partying snuggling up to other females, he probably came back early to finalize shit for his Ex's house and did he miss me? Nah I doubt it.

"Sir your order is ready" one of the workers came over tapping him and saving me "thank you" he mumbled to her sayin he would be right there "it was nice seeing you guys" he told the girls keeping his eye on me watching me as if I was still his.

When they left I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in "you good?" "I'm so sorry that was the most awkward shit I've ever experienced in my life" Kae asked and India apologized. "I'm good I just didn't expect to see him this quick" I say shrugging "ugh and he looked and smelled good" I complained hating that I still found some attraction towards him.

"He was eyeing you giving you the I'm sorry eyes the whole time" Kae mentioned shaking her head "you saw how he looked her up and down before he left" India added in too not helping the situation. "You did good though stood your ground and let him know you're still upset" they praised making feel a bit better about how I handled it.

"Okay lets go this place now has bad energy it's making my stomach hurt" I say referring to the fact that Ben and his friend were in here "oh gosh okay we can go" they laughed at me but if only they knew I wasn't joking.


I wanted to talk to her, the minute we walked into the restaurant I noticed her I didn't say anything though since she was with her girls but when one of them called Ben over I knew I had to follow along.

I could tell she was trying to ignore us she was the only one who didn't look up when we arrived. Even when Ben tried to say hi she just gave him a fake smile not even acknowledging him one bit. For me I was worse I couldn't help being next her and not saying anything so I made my presence known I spoke her name which was a bad Idea. I got no reaction from it all I received was a look that was basically telling me to go to hell and I hated it. I hated that I hurt her so bad to the point where she didn't even want to look or speak to me it also didn't help that she looked beautiful as ever as usual.

"She ain't even wanna look at me bro" I shook my head trying to focus on the road to get back to the hotel. "She don't even like me no'mo you see that fake ass smile I got, why she mad at me and not at her sister" Ben was also upset I guess he thought he and Naya had a good friendship which was ruined when him and her sister kinda hooked up.

"Her sister in the same position as you right now yet still she not even mad at her sister but she mad at you!" He pointed out he was right Nattie had also cheated like I did but what I did was worse.

"But you gotta understand that's her blood she not turning her back on her and on top of that she wasn't fucking her sister." I say seeing the situation for what it is. "I just don't know what to do man do I give her space and hope she doesn't drift away or do I stay persistent with the texts and hope one day she'll respond" I was lost at the moment on one hand I didn't want to lose her but on the other I knew she needed time to truly figure out if this was what she wanted still.

"Give her space and watch Mr. Ronnie DeVoe occupy it for you" Ben shrugged making my fear of losing her begin to come into play. It was no secret that the two have been hanging out lately I mean it was everywhere although it looked friendly I wasn't putting anything past it especially him I'm not stupid. From the moment Ben told me about him when they were at the New Year's Eve party i knew he wanted her. The only reason i didn't sweat it was because Naya told me not to trip on him and i trusted her i knew she wouldn't step out on me. This dude was slowly but surely making his role in her life bigger and I definitely wasn't with that. I needed a plan and I needed one fast before I Officially lose her.


One sighting down and many more to come 😁

Side note: this I thing with apple really got me fucked up they need to fix it ASAP

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