Stuck in a Tunnel

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He feels stuck in a dark tunnel

Looking for a way out

Looking for the right direction to head towards

Trying to step in the right direction

To go somewhere


Where he won't regret anything 

Yet, he is stuck in the tunnel

Where they are trying to trap him 

They are trying to step on him and crush him

He is holding on 

He is enduring the pressure

They are putting too much pressure on him

They keep making the tunnel a long maze

To make sure he won't think

To make sure he doesn't escape from their view

To make sure he is just a doll

He just needs somebody to hold him together

To help him get out this tunnel

They block the light

So he is trapped in dark, cold tunnel

His only hope is his dream

The only light that shines through the tunnel

He is trying to get out of their grasp

He is trying to free himself from the nightmares

He been waiting all his life to get out

The only way he could get to the light was to block them

To push his ideas through

To reach

To grab his dream before they force their dreams on him

However, they are too strong

They choke his every breath

He wants to speak from his heart

He wants to follow his own dreams

Yet, he can't

Since he is stuck in a tunnel

Where they trapped him there

His light is diminishing

Until he is consumed by them

He lost all hope 

Their cruel looks

Their cruel words

Their cruel rumors

It crushed him

He couldn't handle the pressure

He couldn't handle the voices

So, he always was stuck in a tunnel

Never able to reach that light

Because they covered it up all of it

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