Other than here

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I thought it was over for me

I thought I was done

I thought it was going to be my last

I thought my life will just continue being miserable here

I thought it the continuity will go on forever

This was all a thought

A thought I sincerely hoped wouldn't come true

But, they actually became true

I hide my face

I hide everything 

To hide every wound I got 

Every torturous pain I felt I hide it all

Since nobody in the world would pity me

Nobody will ask me if I am okay

All they care about it the scars that formed 

The after effect I got from it

I wanted to be somewhere else

Other than here

Then she came in

She changed everything 

She accepts me 

When the others rejected me 

When they were embarrassed by me

They were scared of me

They all feared me 

Since I did what I could to survive 

They thought I was vicious animal

That was meant getting hurt

getting scared 

and getting wounded

Acting like a beast

She didn't care what others think of her

She only cared about what the people she cared about think of her

She didn't fear me like the others

She didn't care how I looked 

She accepted me 

It could be out of pity

It could be out of sympathy

It could be to tame me

It could be to ruin me

It could be because she loves me

All I cared about was that she was different

I wanted to be next to her

I wanted to see her

I  became curious about her

She was unique

She cared about me

That was when I didn't want to be other than here

I wanted to be here

not other than here

She touched me 

She changed me 

She understood me

That is all I wanted to care about 

Actually, that is all I cared about 

She was the one for me

She knew it well too

I knew this was love 

I would know it, nobody, where I was, what I was doing, when I was.

I knew it more than anybody 

It was love 

The thing I wanted for years 

The thing I needed more than anybody in the world

That was when....

I wanted to be...

here and not....

Other than here

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