My lost heart

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I stayed by them for years and years

They lead me to the new world I am looking at right now

I still can't let go of them

Please say you can't 

Please say you will stay

I know you are lost 

Please grab my hand 

I will help you go back to the place you belong

You deserve better then this

You made me lose my heart

I feel so sad

I feel so depressed

I can't eat

I am crying in the inside

I know you are pretending 

Please say you can't 

Please say you will stay

Can't you see me loving you

I still have hope for you 

I want you by them

I want you by my side

My friends asked me if I am okay

I said I was 

But I wasn't 

You leaving them 

Is the same thing as leaving me

I can't force you to stay

I sometime wish I can

I can do that

Can't you see all those fans 

Can't you see all those that love you

I wish you endured more

I will remember you

I will always remember your music

I will always support you

Please always know

You have a place back 

I will bring you to the top

Please say no 

Please come back to us

You are making lose my heart

Please say you will come back

Forget about your pride

Get yourself together

I know your true self

I still see hope in you

They won't be the same without you

You made them 

I will forget about your past

I will forgive you

I will understand 

I have a history with them

They lead me to the world I am in now

You made me lose my heart 

Please look at the big picture 

Please understand 

Please look at us 

Say you will come back

Say you will join them again

I know you made some mistakes

I know nobody is perfect 

I know you are going through something hard

Always know I have my hand extended to you

You can grab it anytime

I will protect you

I will support you

Since I owe you and them so much

I completely lost my heart

This was the last group I thought would break up

I thought you will be together forever

I wish you are together forever 

Can you still be friends

I will be your stepping stone

I will always wait for you 

We are ready to help you when you reach your low point

I hope you don't regret your choice

I will miss you

I will miss all of you

My heart still can't believe any of this

You cause me to lose my heart 

My heart is lost

I am searching for it

Like I am searching for you

Please know 

Even if I am alone

I will help anytime

I might be confused at first

I might be at shock at first

I might stay back a little

Still I will always forever extend my hand

Since you helped me find the world I am in now

You help me know many thing

You helped me find my passion

You brought me hope 

At my lowest point

I always got support from you guys

I hope I can find my heart someday

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