My Obession

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Let's start with the basic
My life is about you
I will stalk you a couple of times
Not to the point to be true stalker
Every time I see you
I could feel my heart burning up
I could feel every heart beat
I am so obsessed
With you and only you
I know I wouldn't be able to do anything without you
We all know that I am obsessed
I want to know everything about you
I will do anything if I could have you
I don't think I can do anything without you
You are so bad to leave me
I never looked at anyone but you
All the beauty you contain make me flutter
Butterflies always forming in my stomach
I know you will be mine soon
Since there isn't anybody who is in love with you as much as me
My world is only turning around you
You should look at me only
My secret obsession over you
My obsession have been hiding for a long time
Your smile makes me want to challenge anybody wanting you
I am just obsessed with every part of you
I don't think I can live without you
I know this is dangerous to love you
To be especially obsessed with you
But I just can't help myself
I feel like I can't do anything without you
My mind is only thinking about you 24/7
Why are you making me go mentally insane
I am always wondering what you doing everyday
I am wondering who you were hanging out
If I can get a hold of you then I think I can rule the whole world
I am just into to you that much
I bet calculating my love is like counting all the stars in the night sky
Every time I see you I could feel my breathing grow uneven
I am curious about you, and not anyone else
I am committed to you
I feel more confident when you are around me
I can feel my heart fly when you touch me and smile at me
I don't need love from anybody
As long as I can love from you
I am always worried about you
Since you are so beautiful
How can I not worry about you with all the beauty you have
It's amazing how long I endured
It's amazing how much I resisted you
This helped my obsession over you grow more than ever
My obsession over you keeps increasing
Without me even realizing it
Don't worry
I don't have anybody else, but you
Your world is so big
I don't know how to get all the information in
I have so much to show you from my world that is evolving around yours
This is my obsession over you
I will do anything to get you
I am stuck
I forever will be stuck
In my obsession

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