That's me

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I lived a life nobody will understand

Unless, they experience the same thing as me

They all feel sorry for me

They look down at me

They say my life is a beautiful truth

I just laugh at them

My life is a beautiful lie

Don't joke around with me

Now let's get starting 

Don't worry about me

Just worry about yourself

You think you are better than me

You think you in the top 

When you are actually on the bottom

I will tell you the beautiful truth

 I am on top

Get out of my way to get higher

I don't care about you

I don't care about your opinions 

I don't care how you think

I only have time to think about myself

I have no room for you

So just move and don't drag me around 

I may sound ruthless

But that's just me

Don't think I am haunting 

I am just being me

Oh yeah I forgot

I control myself

Nobody else controls me 

Nobody will be able to contain me 

I hold all the responsibilities to myself

Don't try to fit in with me

You think you are better 

Sorry to say to you

I don't give a shhhxxx

I shouldn't say that word 

You are not worth it 

Just relax

Nothing to worry about

Just feel the quietness and peacefulness around you

Still, think I am still too harsh

No problem

It's my life 

This is just me

Nobody will change me

But me 

If I want to change I will change it myself

My own fate is on my hands

So back off

Stop judging others

I have my own way in life

You have your own way in life

Let's just live our lives the way they were before 

I am me

You are you

Nothing is going to change

Nothing needs to change 

So stop being bothersome

Don't act like you know

You don't 

Go control your own life

I am pretty sure you shouldn't have the time to take care of other's lives

This is just me 

Leave me be

You will never understand 

What it is like to be me

Still think I am too much

That's just me 

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