Dreaming among clouds

25 7 1

I felt like I was the best

Especially when I was put to the test

I am a just a girl from the west 

I always could feel my heart in my chest 

Every day was like a quest

I wonder what I would be

I wonder if I would be chained or free

All I know for sure is that I wanted to feel it every day

I want to have heart that beats every way

I want to be dreaming among the clouds

I want to be a star with a crowd

A crowd that would love me for me

They can hate me

They can love me

I know not everybody would like me

I still want to try my best to be me

I know everybody is different 

We know we can be in the front

I  just want to be dreaming among the clouds

I know we can't be always wowed

That is just life and how it goes

I wish I can be one of those roses

The one flower that glows

More than the others that grow

There are so many echoes

I know many people will look down at me

I know people will step and make fun of me

I will still be dreaming among the clouds 

Because I will be okay and proud

Dreaming among clouds is what will help me survive this world

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