Chapter 24: My Water Broke

Start from the beginning

"He's been abusing her? Why hasn't she left him yet?"I yell again.

"Because she thinks that he loves her and that he has some type of anger issues. Plus she doesn't want to get hurt"Jeanette says.

"Hurt? What does that mean?"I ask.

"Well earlier today, I heard him threaten to hurt her and the baby"She says.

"What? I swear when I see him I'm gonna kill him"I say.

"Justin you have to control your anger when you come here. He's threatened to kill me too. He has a gun and everything"she says.

"What?"me and Frankie ask at the same time.

"When were you gonna tell me this?"Frankie asks her. "I don't know. It just came to mind now"she says.

"Why did he threaten you?"I ask.

"Because I know him and he doesn't want me to tell Ariana"she says.

"Where do you know him from?"Frankie asks reading my mind.

"It's nothing. Right now we need to focus on Ariana"she says and pushes the question away.

Me and Frankie respect her choice and leave it alone.

"So I guess we'll see you tomorrow right?"Frankie asks. "Yea"I say.

I hear the back door open and Madison walks out.

"Oh...umm...I'll have to talk to you later mom"I lie into the phone and hang up.

"Why were you talking to your mom?"Madison asks. "Oh she just called to check up on me"I lie again.

"Oh ok. Anyways on to more important things.."she says and begins to kiss me.

I remember what Frankie and Jeanette told me about Ariana. I have to break up with her. Now.

"Umm...Madison we need to talk"I say and push her lightly away from me.

"So speak"she says. "I think we should break up"I say.

"What? Why?"she asks. "It's not you, it's me"I try that line.

"What do you mean you want to break up with me?"she ask tears rolling down her cheeks.

Come on. Why does she have to cry? Especially now.

I look down at the ground so I won't give in.

"Look I'm sorry. Your a great girl and everything. It's just I have to do this"I say and walk back in the house.

I grab my jacket from the couch and walk out the door to my car and drive away.

I can't believe I just did that

She's a wonderful girl. When she cried, I felt guilty.

But I still have feelings for Ariana. I always have. I try and try to convince myself to let her go but I just can't.

Now that I know she's pregnant with my child, I know I have to see her again.

When I get back home, I book myself a flight and pack my stuff. I call Scooter while I'm on the way to the airport.

He refuses to let me go alone and says that he'll meet me there in two days.

I get on the plane and plug in my music.

•The next day•

Ariana's P.O.V.

Today we decide to have a lazy day and watch movies all day.

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