22. new town, new life

Start from the beginning

"That's me."

"Straight through that door, desk opposite Sheriff Robert's office." She directed.

"Thank you." Alec left quickly before she could say anything else, eyes scanning over the police officers until his eyes fell on a familiar man sitting at a desk reading a book. He approached the desk, kicking it causing Maxwell Hale to jump in shock.

"Fuck, you piece of shit Lightwood," Max swore, glaring at the Lightwood boy.

"Watch the language Maxwell, he's only 3." Alec shot back, setting the now awake Warlock child down on one of the two seats opposite her desk. "How you been Max? It's been what? 4 years."

"About that." Max agreed. "Glad you came Alec, though it is unexpected."

"Yeah, I just had to get outta New York for a while," Alec explained, looking at Rafael who was grasping at the blue tendrils that came out his hands in whisps. "It's a long story."

"Well, you don't need to explain yourself to me Lightwood." Max sat back in his seat, grinning at Alec. "Just tell me what you need Boy."

"A place to stay until I find myself a place." Alec told her.

"Already done." Max placed a sheet of paper on his desk and slid it to him. "It's a small three bedroom house just across from the McCall's. One of my deputies will take you there later."

"Your deputies?" Alec asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm Deputy Sheriff, Alec, a lot changed since New York." Alec frowned, Magnus, flashing across his eyes for a brief moment.

"Yeah, a lot has changed," Alec muttered before clearing his throat and looking at Max. "I assume you already took care of getting me a job?"

"Of course." Max pulled out a file and dropped it on the desk. "The principal at Beacon High is looking for a new teacher. Doesn't care what position as long as you assist Coach Finstock with the sports practices he coaches. And let me tell you, that man is insane." Alec snorted. "You start Monday. Apart from weapons what did you excel at in school?"

"I don't know. Uh, I think it was Maths." Alec said, scratching his neck a moment. "One of the teachers once told me I could have been something great. But obviously, In this lifestyle, I wasn't able to."

"You start Monday Alec." Max grinned and waved over one of the deputies. "Fisher will drive you to the house. I'll look into getting you a car when I get a chance."

"You are a lifesaver, Max." Alec grinned in relief, standing up and lifting Rafael onto his hip. He picked up his bag, waving goodbye to Max and following the Deputy.

Monday soon came and Alec dressed in his nicest clothes, a dark jean shirt and black jeans. He runed his arrows, but quickly shoved his bow and quiver into his closet and instead picked up his seraph sword Balthazar and shoved it into his pocket.

"Rafa!" Alec called, picking up his bag and leaving the room. Rafa ran out of his bedroom, clinging to Alec's legs tightly.

"Don't make me go, papa." Alec chuckled, lifting Rafa up and carrying him downstairs into the kitchen.

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