Vampire x Human II

Start from the beginning

"I'm a half vampire. My father was a vampire while my mother was a human. Being a half vampire meant that I only have half the powers of a true blood vampire. Half-vampires can do pretty much everything a full vampire can do, like turning into bats, flying, and transparency. It's just that we can only do it for a limited amount of time. We are also immortal unless someone kills us. So all my life I was ostracized, being one who was not a full vampire. My relatives all hated me and even my own father did not love me. Only my mother cared for me. After Mother passed away, I felt so lonely. I was all alone." He does not notice this but as the last sentence left his lips, tears dripped down his cheeks.

Touka wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug, in an attempt to comfort him. She could never imagine the pain of not being loved by one's own parent but she wanted, more than anything, for him to know that he is needed and that he is loved by her.

"You are not alone anymore. I'm here. I will always be by your side. I love you, Kaneki." As she said this, she made sure to make eye contact with him to show that she is telling the truth.

More tears dripped down and he thought, ah, I want this girl to be by my side for the rest of my life.

"Please marry me."


Their wedding ceremony was a small one since the both of them did not have any family or relatives to attend it. Watching as his beautiful wife clad in a white wedding gown and a veil atop her head walk down the aisle made Kaneki tear up a little. He believed that he was fated to meet Touka and thanked his mother for sending Touka to him.

The bride finally reached the groom and she placed her hand onto his waiting one. They recited their vows; to be together in happiness, sadness, sickness, and wealth. To make each other happy and love each other for the rest of their lives. They exchanged rings and finally met each other's lips for a kiss.

The ceremony ended with cheering from Kaneki's servants and the newlywed couple retired to their shared bedroom. They shared another kiss before Kaneki pushed her down onto the bed, getting on top of her. "Touka..."

Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him in closer and smiled. "It's okay, Ken."

The two of them lost their virginities that night, lovingly, gently and passionately in each other's arms.


They kept their vows, spending each day together blissfully. Since forever, Kaneki had wanted to end his life because he did not want to be immortal if it meant that he would be lonely but for the first time in his life, he wanted this time spent with Touka to last forever. But all good things will eventually come to an end.

One thunderstorm night, someone infiltrated the mansion, defeating all of the servants in one shot. Sensing that something was wrong, Kaneki slowly released Touka from his arms and got out of the bed. He walked along the corridors and thought that it was weird that not a single servant was to be found.

His feet brought him to the hall where he could sense someone was there. In the darkness of the hall, he couldn't see anything and so decided to activate his night vision powers. Before he could do so, something came at him and knocked him to the ground. He quickly got to his feet and jumped away to get some distance. "Who are you?! Name yourself!"

"Ahh, it's so sad... here I thought that he would have at least told you about me." The intruder stepped out into the light. "I'm Zorander Delarosa. Otherwise known as Zor."

That name rang a bell. A long time ago his father defeated a vampire named Zor! He was incredibly strong, recalling what his father told him.

"My father killed you! Why are you still alive?!"

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now