Chapter EightyFive - A Lively Memory

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The next morning, Bentley was already awake and he started packing his things. I looked at him as Mint rested against me. Her long brown waves caused a trickle against my nose. Ella was again in the bathroom, pampering herself. I looked at the clock and it settled at six thirty, thirty minutes before departure. I got up slowly from the bed as the rising sun shined on my face. The warm crisp air flew through the windows as I stretched.

I started picking my clothes from the luggage and as Ella got out of the bathroom, I went in and turned the shower on. From the inside, I heard Ella getting her things and shuffling through her luggage. I heard the door to leave our room open and I knew it was Bentley. He was getting his stuff inside the car. I jumped in the shower as the warm water flowed around my body and dripped down. I washed my hair thoroughly as I tried to think of my past.

Where would I take the kids when I reach Lubbock? Where would I show them first? Or better yet, should I tell Bentley his origin first? I shook my head as I washed my body with a sweet smelling shower gel. I poured it into my hands and lathered it up.

The slow smoothing voice of Lana Del Rey surrounded my shower as I rocked slowly to the music. I remember singing Ride back when I was a young girl as mawmaw tried to get me into acting. I remember being nervous and the thrill of being famous terrified me but at the same time, it was like a rush. A surge of unexplainable emotion as I felt my innocence stripped away from me at that age. I looked down at my body and washed the remaining of the shower gel and when the song came to a finish, I stepped out and suddenly, I heard screaming.

“Wake up you fucking brat!” Ella’s icy voice scorched the walls of the bathroom.

“Mommy said I could sleep in!” Mint protested.

I stepped into my clothing as fast as I can and ran out to the room. “Stop! Ella, don’t you ever call your sister that and don’t swear!” I yelled as I gripped the pillow from Ella’s hands.

Ella gripped her suitcase and huffed out the door.

I walked over to Mint and patted her head. “It’s okay baby. We have to go now. But you can still sleep in the car.” I whispered. I noticed my wet hair dripping onto the pillow as Mint closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, her green emerald eyes searched around as the façade of fear swept away. Her eyes brightened as she lit up a smile. “I guess so! And dry your hair! It’s getting me wet!” She laughed. She leaped out of bed and covered herself with a nice spring jacket and walked to the bathroom. I heard her brush her teeth as I went to dry my hair.

I shook my head and laughed with her as I got her out from bed. We had nine more hours but we could do it. We only had to travel a bit more. I looked at Bentley as he grabbed our last suitcase and walked out to the car. Ella followed him with her luggage and then she plopped herself on the passenger side. Bentley smiled at me and whispered, “You’re ready mom?”

I nodded and held Mint’s hand as we walked out to the car.


It was a tedious yet exhausting ride back home. I managed to keep myself awake by the children. Ella would keep me company then Bentley then Mint. The kids didn’t argue as much as they did on day one but I believed they were more tired of being on the road. I continued to drive as the kids slept away and we took pit stops every one and half hour drive just because one of them needed the bathroom. I was just eager to go home.

When we finally reached Lubbock, Texas, the sign welcomed me back to a series of events. Flashbacks of the past surged through my mind as I shook them off. Ella clapped her hands and Mint was just in awe. The town was a bit different than before. There were more skyscrapers than before and the place looked a lot cleaner. I looked around the rocky hills and spotted the sign. I saw from driving up the hills that my high school was still standing. The old home where Mawmaw and I lived in still was there. I shivered as I noticed the street that led to Nurse Olie’s abandoned cottage.

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