Chapter FiftyNine - Holidays With the Springs

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It was Christmas time and we had to get everything ready. Calvin managed to get all the gifts we got for everyone in the trunk of his car. Yes it is correct. Calvin no longer had the truck. He traded it in for a four door car. It was much easier for me and definitely for the baby. I finished frosting cupcakes for the party. I made a batch of strawberry-filled cupcakes with buttercream frosting and then chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. The house started smelling of sweets and treats.

We had a small Christmas tree by the window. Calvin got it from the tree sales down by his work. We didn't want a full-sized tree since we had nowhere to toss it out so the small one was good. I looked at the small ornaments we had and I put my little Snow Angel I had since I was the foster house. It was one of the memories I will always keep with me. It was a small tree but it contained so many memories, good or bad.

"Ready baby?" Calvin yelled when he entered our home.

I smiled and continued to frost the last of the chocolate cupcakes. "Not yet. But if you want, you can start putting the other ones in the container."

Calvin nodded and went right past me to grab the strawberry cupcakes. 

I felt the cold air still lingering on his jacket. "Is it really cold outside?" I asked.

Calvin nodded. "Yeah, we have a white Christmas  this year!"

I laughed and finished frosting. I took out the sprinkles and dusted them on the cupcakes, little by little.

"Oh sheez, Vivi. By the time you get done, it'll be Fourth of July!"

I rolled my eyes at Calvin and continued to decorate the cupcakes. When I was done, Calvin grabbed them from me and placed them in the tub tray. We had a two set of cupcakes to go tray. It was handy and I loved the fact i could bring them anywhere.

Our doorbell rang when Calvin helped me get my boots on.

"I'll get it, Calvin!" I said.

I wobbled to the ringer and asked, "Who is it!"

The person shifted and answered, "Linlee!"

I let the buzzer in and Linlee came in the house with a fall sweater and flats. "What the heck is wrong with you!?" I asked.

"It was cold. My house lady kicked me out because I tried to play with the kids."

"What the hell. If you want, you can stay here. We have to go to his family's dinner party." I said.

Linlee looked around the house and nodded. "Not a problem. Thanks, Vivi!"

Calvin stared at me and suggested, "Let me call Aunt Pat. We might have more room for her. It is sad that you have to spend Christmas alone."

He dialed his phone to his Aunt and walked to our room. I glared at Linlee.

"How did that happened?" I asked.

Linlee, alarmed, stared at me. "How did what happened?"

"You know, getting kick out."

"Well I helped the little boys and girls open their presents. One of them had this really cool toy that vibrated and walked. I wanted to play with her but she kept saying no. So to hush her, I grabbed her hair and forced her in the closet with me."

I shifted in my seat and stared at her. "Did you try?"

Linlee nodded and shrugged afterwards. "Bitch was screaming like a banchee. I couldn't finish."

"Linlee, you have to stop that. It is wrong!" I yelled.

"It wasn't wrong for Olie to do it to me! I liked it. And don't lie, Vivi. You loved it. If you didn't, you would have ran away but you stayed."

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