Chapter Three - Violated

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Traveling Vivian

Part 3

Every day from the day I was accepted to modeling school, mom found ways to create her distinguished clothing for me. I guess she refused to shop because she didn’t have the money for it and she needed all she had for the bills. However, lately, she has spending a lot of time sewing new clothes for me. I was spending my days with Spencer. I looked at mom who was at the table, fixing a new dress.
I shrugged and looked at her. “Mommy…” I whined.
“What do you want, punk? I’m busy right now.” She snapped as she folded a piece of pink fabric with a white cloth.
“I'm hungry…” I complained.
My mom gave me the look that caused chills. She walked out of her seat and put together a bowl of cereal. She placed it on our tiny coffee table and put my little plastic chair against it. “Here punk. Eat.” She commanded as she pushed the chair out for me to eat.
I sighed and walked to it. I looked at the cereal. It was a bowl of plain corn flakes sprinkled with some sugar. My mom poured me a little bit of milk as she got herself a bowl of instant noodles. How does she get to eat food that looked delicious and I was stuck with crap? I shrugged but took a spoonful of my cereal. Yuck! It was stale! I couldn’t believe it! The cereal was probably expired and she didn't even bothered to look at the expiration date! She was feeding me crap!
I had to say something. "Mommy, I want noodles!" I muttered as I peek up from her.
Immediately, I felt the hard slap of her thin hands against my neck.
"Owww!" I cried out.
"You want noodles? You think your puny little ass can pay for this? No, you can't. You're nothing but a little baby!" And with that, mom walked away but before she did, she pulled my chair backwards so I fell hard on the floor.
I stared up at her as she carried her noodles and walked outside to the front porch as I was left to care for my lump.

After that horrible lunch, I walked to my toy chest and took out a car. I pretended the living room was a roadway and raced the yellow small race car along the road. I made it climb its way to the walls and then back to the floor. I screamed and wailed as a fire truck, ambulance, and a police car. “WEE WOO WEE WOO!” I shouted.
“VIVIAN!  Stop being fucking annoying.” My mom snapped as she picked me up and brought me outside. “Here. Play outside.  Don’t run out on the road unless you want to get hit by a car.” She put me in our front yard that was surrounded by cactus and a yellow fence that was five feet high. She went back inside the house to continue sewing.
I looked around the area and tried to scope something I could get myself into. I didn’t want to play with the cactus. They were sharp and I learned my lesson the first time. I couldn’t run past the gates. Cars don’t travel through much but when they do, it was like a race track. I sat outside playing with the sands. Maybe building a sand castle will be good. I looked back into the house when my mom shouted, “What the fuck!” I shivered and continued to play in the sand.
Mom got out of the house and I saw blood smeared on her fingers. “The fuck!” She snapped again. She grabbed her phone out of her pockets and called someone.  She sat outside, nursing her hand while complaining about the damn sewing machine. I watched her cursing left and right then she looked at me. Immediately I went back to playing with the sand. Then she scowled, “you better not be getting yourself into trouble. I don’t have time to deal with this shit.”

Ten minutes later, two big guys came by. One stayed to watch me as the other man drove my mom away.  “Where’s mommy going?” I asked the big guy.
Big Guy smiled down at me. “She’s going to the hospital. Don’t worry; your mommy will be okay. Okay let’s go inside where it’s cooler. “He said as he picked me up.

When we got inside the house, he took his shirt off and turned on the A.C. I shook my head. My mom never turned on the A.C because she said it was expensive to pay for. “Damn, when was the last time your mother used this thing?” The guy asked as he took out a vent. He scrubbed it and then placed it back inside.
I shrugged and looked at the clock, hoping mommy will be back. I looked at the table and noticed the dress she made for me was tarnished with blood and the sewing machine was unplugged. I crawled to the bag of fabrics on the floor next to it and noticed four different dresses already sewed up. I took one out of the bag and it was purple. A Light purplish color embedded with jewels across the neckline. Down the waist was ruffles of silver sparkle cloth. It was really pretty. I couldn’t believe mom made this. The next dress was a pink chiffon dress with yellow flowers going diagonally across the left shoulder to the waist and then in the back, there was a line of white flowers. I smiled and awe it. It was so pretty. The third dress was a pastel white color with lace and a very big pink bow across the middle. I liked that one too. The last one was a light green with aqua drizzles all over it. It was smooth and silky. I did like that one but I don’t think I would wear it. Mom was sewing these dresses up for what though? I sighed and walked back to my bedroom. I took out Spencer and kissed him.

Three Hours Later

A car came up the drive way and I knew it was mom and the other big guy. “Mommy!” I shouted as I clapped my hands together.  The guy looked at me and unlocked the door.
Immediately, the door swung open and it was my mom and the other man. “Thank you, Greg. Thank you bringing me to the hospital and out for dinner!” My mom said as she kissed his cheek.
The man laughed and grabbed her buttocks. “Oh yeah, don’t forget the little kids meal we got for Vivi!” He said as he went back to his car to grab a white plastic bag with little boxes. He placed them on the coffee table and took the box out. He opened it to reveal three chicken tenders with corn and mash potatoes. My stomach growled as I walked to the table to eat.
“Where’s my dinner?” The guy who babysat me asked.
Greg answered, “In the restaurant. Here take the keys. Come get me tomorrow morning.”
The guy who babysat me smiled and took the keys and went out.
My mom eyed the guy until he left; when he did, she locked the door. “Ready?” she smirked at Greg.
Greg smiled back and went to kiss her on the lips. Immediately, I refused to look back because it looked like Mr. Greg was taking mommy’s clothes off. He pushed her against the bedroom door.
“What about Vivian?” he asked.
“Don’t worry about her. The T.V is on and she is eating. She is fine. She has toys. Just close the bedroom door!” She said as she wrapped her legs around him.
The door creaked open as they walked into the bedroom. They shut the door tightly as I took a bite of the corn. It was cold but I was hungry and I couldn’t starve.  I pulled against the soufflé container of ketchup. It wouldn’t open so in a rage, I grabbed the top and ripped it open with my hands. The ketchup spilled all over the table. Some remained in the cup. I took a tender and dipped it into the cup. I took a bite of the tender and it was cold, too. I shrugged. It wasn’t that great since it was cold but the ketchup made up for its stiffness. I ate it and took a spoonful of the mashed potatoes.  It wasn’t a great dinner but I was hungry  so I couldn’t argue.

I heard the moans and groans coming from the bedroom. I glared at the bedroom door. The walls were shaking as the mom’s moans were louder and more frequent. I looked for the remote for the T.V and instantly, I clicked on the arrow that went up. I clicked it high enough so I didn’t have to hear mom’s moans. I knew what they were doing. I felt violated in some way.

Two Hours later

I looked at the clock. The late night shows were playing and they showed blood and naked body parts that I shouldn’t be seeing.  The door to the bedroom creaked open. The man came out and picked me up. “Ah you messy eater. You’re just as bad as your mom. Come on, let’s take a bath.” He said.
“Where’s mommy?” I asked.
“Mommy is sleeping. She is very tired.” He answered as he turned the T.V off. He got me in the shower and turned it on. It was cold!
“It cold!” I yelled.
The man smiled at me and patted my head. “I like cold showers, my dear!”
I gazed up at him as I hugged myself. I noticed him taking off his clothes. I shrieked. He was going to shower with me?! I cried. Even mommy never showered with me. He was butt naked when he got inside the shower and went behind me. I didn’t want to turn around because I knew if I did, I’d face his junk. Yuck! So I stayed facing forward. He washed himself first then me. And he wasn’t gentle even. I cried louder.
“God! Shut the fuck up!” He yelled. He picked me up and I had to stare at him. I cried and looked for something to get him away from me.
“I want my mommy!” I said.
He shoved me outside of the shower door as I scrambled myself to go to mommy’s bedside. I saw her lying naked on the bed. I went to her and asked for attention.
“What the hell?” She said as she grabbed a diaper and put one on me. She picked me up, effortlessly, and put me in my crib. Then she went back to her bedside and slept again.
The man came in after fifteen minutes. By then, I was asleep. However, he woke mom up and they went for another round. I covered my ears with my pillow but I couldn’t. Mom was so loud! After what seemed like a decade, they both passed out.

Author’s Note- Vivi is a toddler around 3 years old. Please Vote, Comment, etc! Thank you!

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