Chapter Forty - Verdict

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Traveling Vivian

Part 40

When Daddy was taken away by the police, it was autumn. The leaves were just at the time where they were changing colors. I watched the leaves fall from the trees and down into our backyard. I remembered the fear inside Daddy’s eyes as he looked at Linlee. He felt no sadness for me, he never did. After Lady died, he felt like I was the reason for all their troubles. I remembered him begging for me to be taken away. I remembered feeling secluded and alone like I had no place in the world. I knew I wasn’t normal. I knew I was different. I didn’t feel the need to be so distant from the world.

 It felt like déjà vu. Everything was so surreal. From the time Lady died and had the police come over to investigate the crime scene and daddy was thrown into a room. There were so many policemen swarming in and out of our house that it became a museum. This was no different. I watched with Dean as Ana answered the police’s questions as Olie was dragged away by the police. I watched the paramedics take Dean from the house and into the van. I saw the look at Ana’s face as the police asked her to answer the question. I did not know this was going to be twice as bad than with Lady and Daddy. I watched the police go into every nook and cranny of the house and they pulled out the boxes of toys that Olie used on me. They pulled out the stick that Olie used on both Linlee and me with their latex gloves. They sealed it inside a zip lock bag and then they rummage through the beds. They found the new stick that Olie bought for me last Christmas. They shook their heads and sealed it tightly. I hated that stick. If they were to examine it, the only juices found were from me or Olie. I watched them shake their heads when they saw the whips, chains, and handcuffs. I remembered Olie tying my hands together when I fought back. I remembered her turning me over to whip me. I watched one of the police go through the closet and they pulled out another box of sex toys. There was a plug that she used on me. She clipped it on my nipples as she plugged it in. it made me feel so ticklish around my nipples. I shivered when the police said, “the perfect size for a toddler’s nipples.”

I looked away and walked to be next to Ana. Ana was talking to a police woman but they stopped when they saw me. “Vivian!” Oh dear!” Ana yelled. She grabbed me and held me close to her.

“Is this Olivia’s adopted daughter?” The policewoman asked.

Ana nodded.

“Do you think she might be a victim?”

Ana gasped. “Yes! I think so! You see she had a UTI once. It must be from her!”

The policewoman called for an ambulance through her walkie talkie. Then she turned to Ana and said, “You never knew your roommate was a rapist?”

“Honestly. Not at all. She seemed like a perfect lady. She had a decent job and she seemed to like children.”

“Yeah. She loved the children alright.” The policewoman huffed as she looked around the house. She shook her head as she went into the office.

Ana held me close to her as she rocked me. “It’ll be okay Vivian.”

It was a lie. I was going to be put up for adoption and I knew I was never going to see Ana or Linlee or Dean again. I looked up to Ana and cried, “Ana I don’t ever want to leave you. Please adopt me!”

Ana shook her head. “Vivian, I can’t support the two of you. I’m sorry the government will have the say in this. Not me. I’m sorry.”

I looked away and cried. I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I hated the foster homes. I never want to be in them. I looked up at Ana as she cried too. I really wish Ana didn’t call the police. If Ana didn’t call, I would have still be under Olie’s care and she would have been playing with me but at least, Dean and Ana were still in my life. I looked at the policewoman as she walked to the end of the hallway. She opened one of the doors that led to Olie’s office.

Traveling VivianOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant