Chapter Twenty - Linlee Anabel

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Traveling Vivian

Part Twenty


The due date of the baby arrived. The hot summer June air swept through the house like a bad storm. Not even the air conditioning that settled the house could comfort us. After thirty minutes of playing inside the toy box or pretending to have a tea party with Spencer, I could feel the trickle of sweat down my back as I tried to be near the fan. Of all days, the baby had to arrive in the hottest days of the year. Everyone was rejoicing the birth of the baby as cards and gifts paraded to the house one after another.

Being young and naïve to the world, I looked at Lady’s overgrowing belly as if it was a no big deal. However in the back of my mind, I already could sense my replacement. Daddy and Lady had to get everything ready for their new bundle of joy arrival. Lady would pamper herself and the longer she was pregnant, the more trips she made to the salon. Daddy kept a growing tally of the baby’s growth on everything like his computer, his web blog, and the calendars.

As days go by, I could not believe how fast the baby was going to be here. Today was the day of the baby’s expected arrival. I watched as Daddy packed Lady’s suitcase ready. I eyed Lady as she rubbed her belly. It was getting big and her belly was dropping. I stared at her as she rubbed a cocoa butter lotion on herself.  She then noticed I was at her feet. She growled at the sight of me and she kicked me hard towards the wall. I landed against the vanity and cried.

“Lysandra! What happened?” Daddy asked.

“Bitch was staring at me for no reason!” She said as she glared at me.

Daddy picked me up and rubbed my head. “Lysandra if this is how violent you are, how do I know you are not going to do this to our baby?”

“I can control my temper around my own kids, thank you.” She said as she grabbed her lotion and went to the personal bathroom.

Daddy rubbed a soothing balm on me and kissed my head. “It’ll be okay honey. Mommy would not hurt you again. If she does, call daddy!” He said as he picked me up and stared at me. “Vivian, you are going to grow up into a beautiful young lady.”

I giggled and laid my head against his chest. He lied down on the bed and patted my back. “Vivian, I promise to never let anyone lay a finger on you, even if it means hurting the woman I married. Vivian, you are just as special to me as your little sister. I love you so much,” he whispered as he rubbed my back and patted my ponytail.

I nodded and hugged him. I wish it was true but it looks like Lady hated me. She wanted to write me to the adopted agency or even sent me to a mental ward. I watched Lady come out of the bathroom, glaring at Daddy and I. She looked ready for another day of soaking in a volcanic bath clay or a pedicure.

Her angry face then turned to a sick and painful face when she clutched her womb and cried. “Andrew, I feel a contraction.” She screamed.

Daddy called the doctors. Lady then was placed on the bed as I crawled to my room. I heard Lady screaming and panting. “Andrew! I can’t deal with this pain! I want the medicine now!” She yelled.

“Don’t worry baby. The doctor said we have to time the contractions!” He said worriedly.

“I don’t give two shits about timing the contractions! I want the painkillers!” She hollered loudly.

“Lysandra, listen to me. The doctor said we can only go to the hospital when your contractions are five minutes apart. And it only looks like-“ he paused to look at his watch. “Only fifteen minutes apart. Just breathe in deeply and relax.”

Traveling Vivianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें