Chapter Eighteen - Cruel Intentions

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Traveling Vivian

Part Eighteen

Daddy and Lady planned a beach day around August. I watched Lady packed her clothes and took a beautiful sunhat. I crawled to her room and saw her dressed in numerous outfits. She finally settled in a white sundress with red flowers planted all over. When she gazed down at me, she frowned and shouted, “Peggy! Why isn’t young Vivian ready for the day? Get her dressed now!”

Peggy came in and nodded. “Mrs. Callis, you said you would dress her.”

“When did I say that? I am too busy right now. I mean look at me! I am big and I need more clothes! I need to go on a shopping spree! BABY! BABY!” Lady screamed as she fell on the bed, crying.

I walked to the bed and saw her wiping her tears, complaining about being pregnant. I saw Daddy come in. Lady plopped herself up and then pushed me with her leg.

“What is wrong sweetie?” Daddy said as he kissed her.

“I’m getting big. I don’t have clothes that make me feel beautiful.” She said.

“Honey you are beautiful in every way. You’re pregnant.” Daddy said as he laid down besides her.

They started talking to each other as Peggy hushed me to come to the door. She picked me up and brought me to my room. She rummaged through my closet to pick out a dress. I was playing with Spencer as I saw Peggy gathered a few clothes and shoved them in a beach bag. I touched my bruise on my leg from where Lady kicked me.

“Shh shh it’ll be okay, Vivian. She didn’t mean it.” Peggy said as she patted my forehead. Then Peggy decided to fix up my hair. She placed me in front of the vanity and started tagging out a few of the hair ties. She took my hair and then separated them into three separate strands. She braided my hair and then folded it along the left side of my body. I stared in the mirror as Peggy continued fixing the top of my hair. “Vivian, you have such long hair. Hopefully you’ll get a trim. You might need it.” Peggy said as she put a pink bow on top of my head.

I giggled and nodded. I stared in the mirror and clapped my hands. Peggy then took off my pajamas and placed me in a pink romper with white polka dots. She nodded and then threw a swim suit in my bag. She brought me outside where Daddy held Lady’s five luggage bags and his own bags. They walked downstairs to the meeting room as Jean took the bags to put them in Dad’s car.

Lady held her stomach and then said to five construction guys.  “Hey you guys! You guys are hired to fix up the upstairs rooms. There’s a play room that I want to be designed as a baby’s nursery. I want the office to be that little one’s bedroom. Move all her bedding and toys into that office. If you can’t fit all of the stuff, just throw them out. She only needs that ugly grey doll anyways.  And then her bedroom, I want it to be turned into a playroom for the new baby. I want my daughter’s room to be beautiful. I’m having a girl so I want a lot of pink and lavender color things. I am giving you guys $50,000 to renovate the three rooms. Do please me. I want them done by the end of this weekend. We are going away. If you need anything, Jean and Peggy will be here and also call me on the cell phone if you need something else.”

The guys nodded as a female designer took out her laptop to buy stuff online. I knew Lady wanted my room to be the office. The office was the smallest room they had in the house. They had their bedroom, Lady’s personal bedroom turned to a closet, three guest rooms, a playroom, my old room, and then the office. The office was seriously the smallest room. It was the same size as living with my mawmaw back when we first came here. I saw Lady giggled as Daddy whispered things to her ear. I frowned. I was being treated less than equal already.

Traveling VivianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora