Chapter TwentyOne- Bad Mouth

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Traveling Vivian

Part  Twenty-One

Daddy and Lady spent most of their days with the baby. I had the luxury of now exploring every corner of the house to my own pleasure. The only time they paid one attention to me was when I needed a changing, dinner, breakfast, and bedtime. I would lounge around the backyard and then I would enter the house for a juice box. All I had to was opened the mini fridge behind the bar and there was apple juice and soda cans. I picked what I want and when I was hungry, Daddy would come downstairs to grab me a snack.  After that I would sit in the television room and watch the kids channel with Spencer telling me stories about the baby. Spencer barely sleeps so he knows how many times the baby cried at night.

 Lady often continued her lavish personality of going out with the girls and not coming back till sundown. I felt bad for daddy because he would watch me and the baby. I would watch daddy change the baby’s diaper and then bring her to the living room where he would put her on the playmat. Daddy would watch the television and I would play with Spencer. I eyed the little critter everytime she moved. Daddy then picked her up and put her in the baby swing. I saw the attention Daddy gave to the baby like it was something special. I was a special kid, was I not? Daddy loved me like that before. I wondered what changed him.

The day came when Daddy was fed up with Lady’s behavior. He called her to come back home and that the baby needed her. When really, he wanted to have a talk. I watched him run his fingers through his hair as he sighed heavily. He turned to look at the baby and cried. He knelt down in front of the baby in the swing and held her face. I was with Spencer when I saw daddy broke down. My heart sank as I went to sit next to me. I patted his back as he cried louder.

Lady came down holding bags from Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, and Jimmy Choo’s. She was smiling when she placed the bags down in the settee next to the stairs. She smiled at me and then she kissed the baby’s head and faced Daddy who folded his arms across his chest.

“Lysandra, when we had Melly, you spent day and night with her. You aren’t doing that for Linlee. Lysandra, I need help. I can’t watch Linlee and Vivian. I need you to stay home.” Daddy said.

Lady rolled her eyes and threw her shades onto the couch. “Why? You raped me to have this baby! I didn’t want a baby! You forced it in! Now you watch her. I do not know why you keep harassing me to be a mother. When we had Melly, we were so happy. I know I was. She was everything I wanted. Now we have Vivian, an accidental adoption and Linlee!”

Daddy grabbed her wrists and pushed them up in the air. “You listen to me bitch. We agreed on all these children. I told you if you didn’t want Linlee, you could have aborted her. You refused!”

“It was against my ethics!” Lady said.

“I don’t give a damn. Don’t you say anything bad about our children!”  Daddy said as he pushed her to the wall.

I saw Lady cry as she watched Daddy picked up the baby and went upstairs. I sat back down in my chair, eying her.  I watched Lady rubbed her tears and cried harder. She started staring back at me. She stopped crying and got up. She straightened herself and went to me. She started playing with my hair and then she yanked my hair tightly. By pulling my long brown hair, my ponytail fell apart as she lifted my body up by my hair. I stared at her in fear. I watched Spencer as he gasped from below.  I started crying for help. “Daddy! Daddy!” I said as I saw Lady smirked at me.

She threw me across the living room as I crashed into the fine China collection. She wasn’t stopping there. She laughed when she saw the broken porcelain pieces scattered all over the floor. She laughed when she saw me laid on my back against it. She picked up a sharp piece and looked at it carefully. Sneering at me, she forced my hands together and using the sharp piece, she cut my legs that I started to bleed. She smiled when the blood became flooding out of me like a river. “Daddy!” I yelled as I watched her stabbed me with another piece on my legs.

Daddy quickly came down the stairs and saw her on top of me. Alarmed and angered, he grabbed his wife and punched her face. She clawed his face as daddy shoved her to a wall. He backed her into it once, twice, thrice, and all over again. Daddy slapped her face as she kicked his groin. Lady had a minute to spare, If I was her, I would have ran away but she didn’t. She came after me. She took a smaller sharp piece and stabbed my left foot with it. “Die bitch!” She yelled at me as I cried out. Screaming from the pain of his privates, Daddy managed to take out a hard case book and slammed her head with it. Lady stopped trying to walk to me as she fell down unconscious.


Lady was sleeping in her own personal bedroom the next day. Daddy cared for her wounds as she slept. As for me, Daddy fixed my legs and foot as he cried. “Vivian, I am so sorry!” He would say over and over again. I don’t know what happened to Lady that night but I thought it was because she had a lot to drink. Daddy refused to call the police. He felt that Lady was just drinking and acting on impulse. He then placed locks on my door and the baby’s door. He didn’t know if Lady was going to strike us again.

When Lady woke up, there was a silence in the house. Lady stayed in her room and refused to watch the baby as Daddy cared for both Linlee and I. He would give us food at the same time and then ate his own plate. Linlee was now crawling and slowly learning how to walk. She was following me everywhere I went. If I tried to go to my room, Linlee followed and would drool on all my toys. I hated how she followed me but she was supposedly my adoptive sister. I watched Daddy picked her up and changed her diaper. He put her in the tubby as he splashed water all over her. I watched him rather a soapy mixture and placed it on her head. He was kissing her here and there, everywhere. I watched him pat her dry and then placed her in the crib. He would get me ready for the tub as I watched the door that led to Lady’s personal room.

She wasn’t going to come out of her room. She stayed in her room day in and night. She always ordered delivery for lunch and dinner. The delivery man was paid in advance and all he did was placed the food on the front door. He rang the bell as Daddy opened it but before Daddy asked, the man already left. Daddy knew it was for Lady so he just brought it her personal room and knocked on the door. Two hours later, I would see the empty boxes outside her room. Daddy refused to make up with her and she refused to make up with him. The house was like walking on stilts.

The next few days flew by as Lady slowly made her way through the house slightly. She finally came out of her room and started talking to Daddy again. They were civil but they did not do much as a family. Lady would be up in her own room watching television or playing with Linlee. She was excited because Linlee was going to be one soon. She started talking to Daddy about the birthday party and such. I groaned. I watched from a distance as Linlee was surrounded by her parents. They were the sign of a happy family.

One day Daddy was reading me a book while Lady was out shopping for diapers and food. I watched him as he stared at the baby monitor. He kept eying it every four minutes. I didn’t know why but I wished he could just focus on reading a book with me. I looked at him and touched his face so he can face the book. Then when he continued to read the last page, the baby monitor blasted out a outrageous loud cry. I stared at Daddy as he shrugged. “Vivian, stay here. Daddy has to watch baby Linlee.” Daddy said as she dropped the book on the floor. He shut off the baby monitor and went towards the door. I followed him behind.

“Vivian, stay here. Please!” He begged.

I eyed him as he walked out of the door. “No! NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed.

Daddy came back to the door and shook his head. “Vivian, please. Just a second.” He said.

I screamed, “you fucking bitch! Don’t go!” That was the first time I have ever used those words on Daddy. I heard him gasp and he turned to me.

“You don’t ever say those things, Vivian. They are not nice!” He said as he slapped my mouth.

I was so angry at him for leaving me that I kicked his shin. He screamed as he picked me up and placed me in the corner. “Time out!” He snapped.

He closed the gate as he walked towards the door.

“You fucking dick! You asshole! You no good for nothing!” I said as clearly as day. I heard lLady, Mawmaw, and Daddy cursed each other saying these things. I didn’t think it would have been a problem. What did I do wrong?

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