Chapter SixtyEight - Girl's Night!

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Living in Chicago was extraordinarily different than being in the small town like Eager. Cars drove by, people walked their dogs, children running to the park, or people just being busy, unaware of the world surrounding them. The daily lives of people involved the importance of the economy. Everyone drove here to work or to come for work. No one really had the time to be lazy and sit out. I liked how this place differed in so many ways from Eager. I wish I could be normal for once.

Back in Eager, Texas, the investigators found Calvin’s phone and then they retraced the steps back to the hospital. They found his damaged car, shattered in pieces around the river. Then they reported to Calvin’s family that he committed suicide. It didn’t take long for the investigators to find the cause of Calvin’s suicide. It was all because Ella wasn’t his. This was brought to Aunt Patty and Uncle Tom.

The news shattered them. Aunt Patty and Uncle Tom cut off all connections with me. I asked if they wanted to see Ella because Halloween was approaching, and all I received back was a dead phone call, saying they weren’t accepting calls from this number. I knew it meant burning bridges but I didn’t understand how they will give up on Ella so quickly. They were there when she was a newborn. How could they be so cruel and just desert us? We were family even if Ella wasn’t Calvin’s.

After many requests and emails for forgiveness, I finally realized they didn’t want anything to do with me. I soon received a letter in the mailbox from them. It was wrapped in fine paper and ink. The notice was thick and heavy. I ripped it opened and the fine print sealed on top was from a lawyer. It was a legal document! I scanned over the articles and gasped.

“What’s wrong, Vivi?” Linlee asked.

“Aunt Patty and Uncle Tom are suing me for the support they gave me and even, money.” I said slowly.

“What the fuck? Don’t they know you’re already in shit? What the hell is wrong with them!?” Linlee yelled. She got up and grabbed her phone.

“I wouldn’t call them, Linlee.” I said.

“Why the hell not?” She asked rudely.

“Because there’s a restraining order to both of us, even Ella.” I whispered and then lifted the form up so Linlee could see.

Linlee growled and threw her phone on the couch. “What the fuck!”

I sighed and sink down in the couch next to her. “This isn’t a game. This is for real.” I sighed. “I don’t know what to fucking do! I work six days at the library and then running tables at the coffee shop every weekends. I don’t know if I can even make enough money to pay them back. Matter of fact, I might even have to work forever for them!” I groaned and then sunk my face within my palms.

I felt Linlee’s soft hands rubbed my back. “It’s okay, Vivian.” She said.

“No it’s not! It’ll take more than a miracle to help me this time!” I cried out. I felt my warm tears dripped down my cheeks as I hugged myself and cried.

Linlee sighed and hugged me tightly. I felt her blonde silk hair brushed against my cheeks. I cried out even more when she gently played with my hair.

“This isn’t fair.” I cried.

“In life, nothing is fair. We just gotta make the best of it and hope for the best.” Linlee whispered against my ear. I felt her hands tightened around me and I cried on her chest.

I looked across from her and noticed Ella, sleeping in her baby swing. Ella was now five months and she could smile and even have a conversation. The cutest thing was she moving around. She knew how to crawl and her brown hair flowed across her head in tight little curls. I watched Ella as she played with the toys connected to her swing. She smashed her tiny fist into the little drums and the music played. The flashes of lights lit up around the swing as Ella giggled and clapped her hands.

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