Chapter TwentyFour - Unfortunate Event

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Traveling Vivian

Part 24

The house was split into two sides. Daddy and Lady fought again and what was worse was they refused to even go near each other. The fight lasted a while. The two refused to make contact with each other and with every passing moment,  the house grew colder inside. I watched Lady leave the house with It during the days and when she gets back, Daddy picks me up and we would go to the park, the horse races, or the mall. I barely had time to play with It. Possibly the only time I could even have a word with her was when Lady was sleeping. Daddy never slept. He was either taming his horses or going to the exercise room to work out. Lady would put It in bed around nine o’clock and Lady would have fell asleep by ten. I would watch the pattern every day because I wanted to spend some time with Iy. It was cool. She was dumb so she kinda did everything for me. She even washed my butt after I went to the potty.So every night, I would walk up the steps to It’s room and get her out of her crib so we can play. By midnight, It would have crashed and slept on the floor while I would be talking to Spencer. Daddy would pick me up and bring me to my jail cell and he would put It in her crib.

Tonight was going to be different. I had a plan to keep the two together and it only involved just a bit of recklessness and the two would be talking to each other again. I knew how it would go down. It would seem to be in a big major accident and Lady and Daddy would come running to the stables and they would reconcile with each other so they can find a way to get It out of the big mess I made up. I giggled at the idea as I watched Lady leave It’s bedroom to her own room.  I eyed her as she closed the door tightly. I crawled up the steps and in front of Lady’s room. I pushed my ear against her door and listened to her. She was playing some Whitney Houston’s music and she hummed a lullaby. I heard her opened her closet door and she changed her clothes. Then, Lady would opened the sheets and crawled into bed. Twenty minutes later, she shut off the music and I heard her snoring loudly. I chuckled as I walked to It’s bedroom.

It was sleeping in her crib when I turned on the lights with a clap. She hissed at me when I slammed her face with a pillow. “What she-she?” She asked.

“You dummy! Tonight is the night we get them to stop their idiotic fight! Come on! Let’s go!” I said as I pulled her out of the crib.

It fell flat on her face when she leapt out of the three feet high crib. I hushed her so she wouldn’t cry especially with Lady being next to her room. It looked at me and crossed her arms over her shoulder. She pouted as I shook my head.

I went to bedroom window and saw Daddy in the exercise room, doing his daily workout. He was currently facing away from the barn and on the trendmill. He had the mini flat screen television in front of him. He was watching a criminal show about bringing bad guys to justice like what he always watch when we have to share the television.

I looked back at It as It nodded at me. I grabbed her hand and brought her down the steps.

“One step, two step, three step…” She quietly hummed.

I stopped walking when I heard  footsteps around Lady’s room. “Quiet!” I hushed.

It stopped humming and watched me as I listened to the Lady’s room. Finally she went back to her bed and continued to snore. I let out a huge sigh as I pulled It down the steps.

We raced ourselves out of the front door and into the barn. I left It laying on the haystack where I was sleeping in before. The horses were in their pen this day and they watched us, especially me. I ran back to the main house to grab few of the knives that Lady kept in the drawers of the kitchen. I knew where she kept them from watching her use the kitchen for lunch.

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