Chapter Seventeen - Cold Shoulder

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Traveling Vivian

Part 17

Shortly after Lady found out she was having a new baby, the house rejoiced. Daddy was all over her. He would not leave her alone for a minute. He always made sure she ate every meal the cook made. Sometimes Daddy would go in the kitchen and make her food rather than seeing Cook make them. Other times, daddy would give Lady two pills. They were to help with the baby inside of her. They were very big pills and Lady refused to take them but Daddy insisted.  He would crush them and then try to force them inside her drinks or food.

Daddy even stopped caring for the horses. He hired an overseer to watch the care of the horses. He did not give them up for adoption but the overseer managed to make Daisy first place in the Equestrian Jumping Horses Competition. He gave the overseer a big bonus and thanked him. Daddy was a complete new person.

Even though Lady was having a baby, I still had broken limbs and bones. My left arm was the only functioning body part that required movement. My legs were still cast up and so was my right arm. Daddy got me a wheelchair to be in. It was a tiny wheelchair compared to the ones in the hospital. He said he got it custom made for a small toddler like me. I was to do most of my stuff alone. Daddy did not care for me as much as he did before. Lady could care less; she only cared for me when it was time to take my pills and bringing me to the therapy. They seem to forget about when Lady pronounced her pregnancy.

 Jean or Peggy were the only people in the house who paid attention to me. They would get me out of bed and then change my diaper and then fed me the pills. After that they bring me downstairs for breakfast. They would watch from a distant as I sat in the family table with Daddy and Lady. Daddy would feed Lady her food as I struggled to use my left hand to eat. When I whined for help, Daddy stared at me and then he would growl at Peggy to help me. Then he continued to feed Lady. I would lose my appetite when I saw him kissing Lady and caressing the overgrown belly. I would whine and Peggy would have taken me out to play upstairs. While playing with the toys, I felt the loneliness creeping inside me. The loneliness of being the adopted daughter was eating me inside out. I knew that the new baby was the reason why they both ignored me.

The day came when my casts were to be taken out.  I saw Daddy packing Lady’s clothes up. I wondered why.  “Babe, you sure you are okay with going to the doctor’s alone?” Daddy asked Lady as he packed more clothes. I was in my wheelchair and strolled inside their room.

“Yeah I’ll be fine. The rest of the girls will be joining me to the Lorrie’s Café Club for lunch and then we are going to spend the afternoon lounging in the spa. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you if anything okay?” Lady said as she kissed him.

Daddy sighed and then turned towards the door but hit his foot against the wheel of my chair. He looked down and growled. “Damn kid! Move!” He said as he kicked the chair. I felt my chair moving backwards and it hit the vanity. Things start crashing on to the floor as I looked at them.

“Oh my God! She is fucking stupid. Maybe it was better if she did die.” Lady said as she picked up her jewelry box and make up. She placed back it on the vanity and looked at me. She shook her head and grabbed the bags Daddy packed.

“Nuh uh, baby, you can’t carry anything that is heavy. So I got it babe,” Daddy said as he grabbed the bags from her. They both went out of the door and down the stairs. I followed and looked from above. Today was the day I needed to take off my cast. Did they forget already?

“Mr. Callis, Doctor Hinley is on the phone for you,” Peggy said as  she handed him the phone. She looked up at me and smiled. She probably knew what today was as she went up the stairs and took me out of the wheelchair. She then folded the wheelchair as Jean took me to go downstairs.

“What the fuck? Excuse my language! Today is the day she has to take off her cast?” Daddy snapped.

He put the phone on loudspeaker as Doctor Hinley said, “yes, Mr. Callis. Today is the day! We planned this about four months ago and then a follow-up two months ago. Is the new baby already causing you two confusion?”

Daddy laughed and then said, “Yeah I guess. Alright, we’ll be there shortly.”

Doctor Hinley chuckled and stated, “see you soon.” Then Daddy hung up.

 He grabbed me from Jean and told the girls to get the car ready. Lady watched Daddy slapped my face. “You fucking punk. If it wasn’t for you, I would have been able to see MY child ultrasound and his face!”

“Honey, it’s alright. We’ll get a video recorded for you. Just bring her to the doctor’s to get that damn thing off of her. And remember, it’ll probably smell so you might want Nurse Olie to wash her while she’s there.” Lady said as she kissed Daddy’s cheek.

Daddy placed me on the floor and started holding Lady again. He kissed her passionately and then said, “Tonight.”

They both giggled as a limo pulled up to the entrance of the car. Lady went inside it as Daddy placed the bags in the trunk. He waved a kiss goodbye as the car drove off to the highway. He turned back to me and growled.

Jean came up with Daddy’s Porsche Cayenne and Daddy threw me to Peggy to put me inside the car. He went to replace Jean and told her specific orders for the house. I watched Peggy buckled me in and then she kissed me goodbye. Today was supposed to be the day I was happy because my casts were all coming off but I wasn’t.


My casts came off with a laser chainsaw. I watched Doctor Hinley broke it apart and then he stretched my legs out to see if the bones functioned. They both worked as I wiggled my toes. He took my cast off of my right arm and again, I moved them and it felt normal. I smiled and giggled at him as he picked me up. “Perfect sweet little girl!” He said as Daddy came in with Nurse Olie. “So we offer baths for the children when they get their cast off, would you like to give Vivian a bath? Nurse Olie will do it.”

Daddy shook his head.  “No I really just want to go home and see my new baby’s face.”

The brunette lady who touched me giggled and spoke, “How long till the new baby? And what is the gender?”

Daddy frowned. “We do not know the gender yet. Today was supposed to be the day and about five more months till the baby is here. We are having a baby shower for Lysandra in October. Men are invited.”

“October is in three more months. She will be ready to go soon!” The brunette said.

Daddy shrugged and then grabbed me from Doctor Hinley. “So is everything alright with this one?”

Doctor Hinley nodded and gave him two pieces of papers. “Here are some medicine she needs to be on for the next two weeks.”

“Alright anything else?” Daddy asked.

Doctor Hinley shook his head.

Daddy smiled and thanked him. He walked out of the room with the two following behind. Doctor Hinley walked the other direction as Nurse Olie followed us behind. She winked at me and twirled her tongue in her mouth. I frowned and started crying.  “What the hell, Vivian?” Daddy snapped as he stopped walking to see me cry.

“She must be feeling different because she’s not wearing casts anymore.” The nurse said.

“You know, Olivia, I think Vivian might be jealous when the new baby is here. Would you care to come and stay at the guest house to care for just Vivian?” Daddy asked.

“You know I do not know. It might be considered fraternizing with the patients.” She said.

Daddy nodded but then thanked her anyways.

“Well we can do it as a friend thingy. We don’t have to tell anyone in the office.” She said bluntly.  

Daddy smiled and winked at her. “Five months!” He said as he went outside.

Nurse watched me as I walked outside. I bet she was fantasizing about playing with me because I saw her smirked and shook her head. She probably thought she could more things now that my legs were more flexible than last time. I frowned and clung onto Daddy but Daddy loosen his grip on my arm. “Stop it Vivian! You ask for too much!” He said.

I looked up at him and frowned. I wanted Daddy to love me again.

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