Chapter ThirtyThree - Return of Ana

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Traveling Vivian

Part 33


Day after day I waited for a savior. I was losing my hope. I prayed everyday hoping someone can take us away from Nurse Ratchet’s clutches. I know I don’t want to live like this especially with Nurse Olie. Olie was insane. She switched us back and forth. I remembered seeing her take Linlee in her room in the morning and they wouldn’t come out of the room until noon. I crawled out of the crib and went into the goody pantry and ate every food there. I heard whips clashing against the bed pole and Linlee’s laughter. I do not know she can enjoy it. I was in pain every time she touched me. Linlee would cry or shriek once in a while and when she did, I heard Nurse Olie hush her and soothe her. However if I cried, she made me cried harder. She enjoyed seeing me in pain. I looked at the door when I heard Olie moaned… until finally the door opened.

“Go out Linlee. You did such a fine job,” Nurse Olie said as Linlee crawled out of the door.

“Ok mommy. Have a good night. I’ll be outside and waiting for more playtime.” She said.

I shook my head as Linlee walked to me. “Hi, Sheshe.”

I nodded to her and continued to eat the peanut butter crackers. Linlee had no clothes on as she wobbled to the good pantry. She got out a juice box and a bag of animal crackers.

“Mommy said she needs to go night night and then she’ll come out and play with us more.” Linlee said as she opened the bag. She took a giraffe cracker and ate.

“Does she want you?” I asked.

Linlee shook her head, “I don’t know.”

I sighed and walked to the toy box to take out Spencer. I knew Spencer was asking why  I was living in an ugly home. “I don’t know, Spencer. But she touches me all the time.” I said as I hugged him.

Spencer frowned as his soft hand waved past my arm. I knew he was saying he felt sorry for me. I pretended to have a tea party with him in the spare room while Linlee waited outside Nurse Olie’s room with a book.

A couple of hours later, Linlee knocked on her door and cried, “mommy! I want to see you. I miss you. Wake up!”

I groaned. I hate when Nurse Olie wakes up. She always tried to get one of us into the bedroom to play with her. I stood my ground in the spare room. I hid inside the toy chest with Spencer, clutching his hand tightly.

“Oh Linlee! I missed you too. However mommy doesn’t want to play with you. Mommy wants to see Vivi. Okay?” She said as she patted Linlee’s head.

Linlee stood up and stomped on the floor. “No! Mommy mine!” She said.

Nurse Olie tried to hush her but Linlee refused to be hushed. Nurse Olie got very angry at her as she picked her up and yelled, “no you fucking brat. I am tired of your pussy!”

Linlee started to cry but that only made things worse.

Nurse Olie stormed into the room and pulled me out of the toy box. I clutched on to Spencer’s hand but her grip was tighter so I let go of Spencer. In the trickle of light, I saw Spencer crying. I shook my head and said, “Spence! I’ll be back!”

Olie picked me up and brought me to the bedroom but Linlee blocked the door with her hands. “No! You cannot go in unless mommy plays with me!” She screamed.

Nurse Olie groaned and kicked Linlee as Linlee flew into the room and her head landed against the ceramic heater. Nurse Olie just shrugged when Linlee started crying. She placed me on the bed and tore my clothes apart. She took off my underwear and started using her mouth. She had no patient to use her fingers. I gasped when she had her way with me. I felt the tickling of her hair along my legs and I cried.

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