Chapter Nineteen - Baby Shower

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Traveling Vivian

Part 19

Days became nights as nights became days and they started to grow dull. I watched the sunny days become cold and the sun set earlier each time the days flew by. The rooms were completed as I was stuck in the office now my room. It was small and stuffy. I had a toddler crib, a toy box, and a potty chair. It felt like my own prison as I laid in my crib looking up at the mobile of swinging monkeys. I watched the monkeys jumped in circles as I saw movements behind the door that led to the hallway. I had one window above my crib and barely emit light. I was pretty much living in a jail cell.

Lady and Daddy seem to completely forget I exist. I would hear footsteps to my old room as Lady giggled and talked on the phone about the baby. I was coupe up in my room every day. I never changed my clothes, maybe every three days. Even Peggy and Jean forget to get me out of the room. However, it seemed like Peggy and Jean no longer worked here. I barely heard them talk. I barely heard them move a sound downstairs. The only time I could see the hallways was when daddy came in to give me food. He would put it in a tub container and threw it on the floor. He would throw me a fork and knife and they weren’t child silverware, they were actually sharp. He would then slam the door shut and walked down to kitchen. He didn’t even pick me up or kissed me like he did before. I’d see him for thirty seconds three times a day. Then Lady comes in to empty my potty and then back outside. I played with the toy boxes and hugged Spencer.

Today I opened the dinner he threw at me like I was dog. I crawled out of the crib and went to it. I saw three cut up cube sized chicken with steamed carrots and a large amount of scalloped potatoes. I had a bite of the scalloped potatoes and they were drenched with red wine. To be honest, I felt like I was eating their leftover. I saw a bit of the carrots eaten. I was so hungry so I didn’t mind. I craved more chicken though.  The funny thing about the food was it did not taste like what Chef made. It tasted like what an amateur would make. I assumed Daddy and Lady fired all their servants. I knew if they kept them, they wouldn’t allow me to be treated like this.

When I was done, I covered the tub ware and threw it in the corner where all fifty eight of them stayed. Then I would crawl to the potty to use it and then played with the toys. I heard laughter downstairs and people talking about the baby shower. I almost forgot the baby shower was coming up. I knew they wouldn’t leave me in this forever. I leaned against the door as I heard footsteps appearing. I crawled back to the toy chest as the door opened.

I looked up at noticed Daddy looking down at me. I turned away quickly as I pretended to play with my toys. Daddy picked up the stuff in the potty and tied it. He came back after throwing It out. He picked me up and said, “you little thing. We need to get you dressed. We have people who want to see you.”

I stared up at him and giggled. He put on a blue sailor top with white pants. He then sprayed perfume on me and brought me downstairs. I saw Lady’s group of friends awing when they saw me. I couldn’t smile. I knew I was not happy, I knew they only showed me because they wanted to ask if I was happy to be a big sister. One of the ladies grabbed me from Daddy as she held me.

“Vivi, are you excited? You’re going to be a big sister.” She said as she played with my long brown hair.

I nodded but I wasn’t.

“Oh Lysandra! She is so cute! Hopefully your next one is just as gorgeous!” The lady said as she pinched my cheeks.

“Oh well, you know how being a parent is! It is quite tiring!” Lysandra said.

I pouted. She never watched me. They left me in a room where I barely had room. It stunk when I took a number two so I refused to go until they switched the potty.

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