Chapter TwentyTwo- Attemp

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Traveling Vivian

Part 22

Every day the attention shifted from me to the baby within a second. If Daddy was feeding me and the baby monitor goes off, daddy automatically left me in the highchair and he would walk to the baby. Sometimes I feel like the baby controlled their lives. Lady never cared about me but before the baby, she cared if I had clothes on or if my diaper was wet. With the new baby, Lady’s attention to me diminished. The house was a force of two sides.

When they left me alone, I would find a way to get out of the house. I walked towards the backyard and gazed at the highway. Would they even notice if I disappeared? Will Daddy come and search for me? I highly doubt it. I stepped onto the cool grey pavement of the highway and looked at the cars driving sixty-five and over on the free way. The sound of bustling engines roared in my ears as I turned to look back at the place I use to call home. I saw Daddy hugging the new baby as the baby giggled and looked at Lady who was holding a white teddy bear. I turned back to the freeway and walked towards the pavement when a red fast car blew its horn really hard against my face. The car pulled over fifty feet and a blonde slender lady with big eyes came out of the car. She checked out her car and popped open the trunk. She pulled out a black body bag and growled. “You fucking dick. That’s what you get for breaking my heart!” She said as she pushed his body over the bridge. I saw the bag landed in the river as she clapped her hands and walked triumphantly back to the car.

I sighed. I had to do this. I wasn’t wanted or appreciated here. I stepped onto the pavement as something scratched my back and pulled me back down. Something dragged me down the hill and into the backyard. I rolled a million times over and over again until I hit the muddy area of their backyard. My face landed right onto the mud and I sat up, crying. I looked around and I saw Kitty. Kitty smiled at me and purred as she licked her fur.

“Damnit Kitty! I was trying to run away! Why did you do that for?” I snapped.

Kitty just purred as she walked back towards the main house.

I growled and stared around me. I placed my hand down and I noticed I was touching mud. I frowned and started crying harder. “Daddy! Daddy!” I yelled but when I looked up, Daddy and Lady were chatting to each other in the baby’s room.  I screamed louder but I knew they couldn’t hear me. I walked towards the house but the doorknob was high above my head. I looked around to find something that could pull me up to get back inside. There was nothing.

I panted as the rain fell down harder onto the ground. I couldn’t walk back to house since the doorknob was high above me and Kitty had a kitty house that she stayed in outside of the house. I walked towards the barn. The barn had one side door that was always opened. I crept into the barn and walked to the haystack.

The horses were put inside their pen as I laid myself down onto the haystack. One of the horses neigh when it saw me. I just shrugged and slept in the haystack. It’ll be hours before Daddy or Lady would care to find me.


The next morning, I woke up from the haystack with the sun rising in the sky. The sun had it’s shine on my face. I looked around and noticed the horses were using the bathroom. And the barn smelled terrible. I leaped out of the haystack and looked at myself in one of the mirrors. The mirror was kept here because Lady liked to check herself out before she rode on the horses. I was ugly and terrible. I haven’t taken my nightly bath. And I had mud smeared all over my face. Sleeping in the haystack was terrible. I had hay covering my long brown hair as I tried to pluck them out one by one. I growled. I was disgusting to look at! And where the hell was Daddy?

I walked out into the backyard as Lady was talking to a gardener about her plants. The gardener moved her head in my direction and she gasped when she saw me. She was wearing tan pants, a green polo with letters across the back. She had on a grey visor and she was wearing yellow heavy duty gloves. She was holding a shovel. Lady turned to see what was wrong and gasped too.

“Andrew! Andrew! Andrew! Get out of the house and clean up Vivi!” She yelled.

Daddy came out of the house holding the baby. When he saw me, he dropped his jaw and placed the baby onto the swing outside. He ran to get me. He took out my pink cashmere dress and my white flats. He untied my hair as it fell past my shoulders right above my buttocks. Daddy shook his head as he turned the sprinkler on and he aimed the hose into the pool. He took off my undies and dropped me into the pool.

“Andrew, you’re giving her a bath here?” Lady asked.

Daddy nodded and replied, “It’ll be disgusting to bring her inside the house. She is a wreck so might as well clean her outside.”

“Andrew, I have party planners and people coming in ten minutes. We need to plan Linlee’s birthday party and I do not want her out here embarrassing me!” Lady yelled.

“Don’t worry we’ll be done soon. And when we are, I’ll bring Vivian and the baby to the carnival in town okay?” He said.

Lady sighed and remarked, “get her washed up in five minutes. I don’t want any nonsense coming from her.”

Daddy groaned as Lady put her shades back on and walked towards the gardener.  Daddy turned to wash my hair as he poured a bucket of water on my head. He lathered it with bubbles. He picked out the hay out of my hair and finally when I was done, he put on a pink pant and grey shirt with a skull on it. “Ready kid?” He asked.

I nodded as daddy held my hand. He put me into the car and buckled me in. He put the baby next to me. “Oh daddy forgot something! Vivi, watch the baby! Daddy has to get the diaper bag.” Daddy said as he ran back to the house.

I eyed the blue-eyed blonde baby sitting next to me. I spat at her and when she didn’t cry, I did it again. Again no cry. I growled as I took a fluffy dog and smacked her with it. Damn kid doesn’t cry or laugh! What the hell is wrong with her?

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