Chapter FiftyTwo - Hospitalization

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The hospital was quiet and full of sick people. I turned at every corner and I could smell the sickness lingering in the air. I stared at the clock and watched the hands move. It was near one and in two more hours, school was going to end. I sighed and laid on the hospital bed. I covered myself with the blanket and turned to face the window.

The air conditioning in the hospital was cool and blowing wildy against the window. I moved the blanket closer to my neck. I shivered. I wondered if Mrs. Hobbit knew about me. She would probably be upset with me again. I hoped she doesn't think I wanted this. I never want strange guys touching me, unless I like them.

I sighed when I could smell the anger rising from Mrs. Hobbit. I could just hear her yelling at me. I covered my face with the pillow and buried myself within the sheets.

After a couple of minutes, I heard a knock on the door and the door creaked opened."Vivian?" The person asked.

I knew who's voice it was just by the way he called my name. So sexy and so light. I turned to face him and I sat up, smiling. "Hi!"

Phil laughed and held a bouquet of sunflowers. He placed them next to the television and went to my bedside.

"How is school?" I asked.

"I had to leave early. There was a lot of questions being asked so I couldn't stay in school. I took my part time day. When I was done, I wanted to come see you. I am so worried about you, Vivian." He said as he went to my bedside. He lifted a hand to touch my cheek. I felt his fingers stroke my cheek.

I turn to look at him. "I'm okay. I wasn't fully raped. They didn't touch me down there, at least."

"Vivian, that's not the point. What they did to you is horrible! They humiliated you while they were jerking themselves off.  You're too precious for this world, Vivian."

"What's going to happened to them?"

"Why should you care? They are bad people!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at me sternly. "They are students too. They deserved a plea or something."

Phil sat down next to me and tapped my thighs. "Honey, they are seventeen year olds. They get the full punishment as adults. Twenty to Fifty years in prison. They didn't just do it to you or the other girl. They have been doing this to a lot of the underclass girls. They deserved what they got."

I growled and looked away. I felt embarassed as my cheeks turned red. He was right. I was humiliated. They brought back many memories of what Nurse Olie did to me. "I understand." I whispered against his ears.

Phil hugged me tightly and I wrapped my arms around his masculine body. He smelled of musk and the hot fall wind. I nuzzled my nose in his chest, inhaling his scent.

"Phil, are you going to take me in?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Vivian. I can't take you in. Vivi, you have one year left till your sixteenth birthday. Then you're free. We could live together then and we could homeschool you and you could graduate high school with me. Then maybe our future together."

I frowned a bit and hugged him tighter. I felt strange. Something told me nothing good was going to come out of this relationship. I felt the pain of losing him suddenly. I felt so sad and lonely. I clung to him tighter and when he looked down at me, I kissed his lips.

Phil returned the kiss with his arms surrounding my body. I planted soft kisses along his jaw and neck and then Phil placed me back down on the bed as he went to lock the door.

He came back, undressing his top slowly. I took off my hospital gown and stripped my panties off.

Phil's body covered mine as he planted kisses all over my body. I felt the heat rising as I continued to play with him. With every kiss, I kiss deeper. It was truly a romance to experienced.

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