Chapter Five - Nude

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Traveling Vivian

Part 5

It was time for me to start posing again. Mom gave me a bath and started packing clothes for me to get ready for the trip. She seemed so busy that she kind of forgot about me. I was in my bath for such a long time that my fingers shriveled up. I stared into the toilet and wondered what Spencer was doing. He must be in the trash truck by now. Or maybe he was in the junkyard. I don’t know but I missed him terribly.
Mom walked back and forth to and from the kitchen and the bedroom. She went to the room and started painting her face. She looked at herself a lot and when she was satisfied, she went to the bathroom and sprayed perfume all over herself. Then she turned around and saw me looking up at her. I was soaking myself in the bathtub for about thirty minutes now.
Mom started freaking out as she picked me up and stared at me. “What the hell Vivi?! You’re still in here? We have a meeting to go to!” She yelled.
She picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. She wrapped a Pampers diaper on me and then threw on a grey t-shirt and short pink twill pants on me. She looked at me and growled. She turned me around and tied my hair up into a messy ponytail. She had one last look at me and smiled. The Taxi cab was waiting outside for us. Mom threw the bags of clothes in the trunk and held me as the taxi man drove us to the cinema. I looked at mom. I was so hungry. She didn’t feed me any breakfast and I was cold, hungry, and aggravated. I don’t think I’ll be happy posing today.


When we got into the cinema, there was a nice looking blonde lady at the front desk. She smiled when she saw me.  “Vivian Houston?” She asked. 
Mommy smiled and nodded.
The lady gave mom another nod and walked us into a big door that led to a white backdrop and cameras were all around. There were at least four different men there. My mom dropped me on the floor as I went around seeing the cameras. “Is this the little girl we’ll be working with?” The man, who was dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans, asked.  He looked like he was around his fifties.
My mom nodded and went to grab me.
“So what we have proposed for you is to get her modeling as a deer. We would like you to pose with her too… Because some parts will be uncomfortable for her. She will be posing nude in some parts to act as the fawn.” The man said.
My mom shrugged and looked at him, “Will you pay me?” she asked.
The man turned to another man. He was dressed in black attire. He had black long dress pants on as well as a black suit and tie. He was definitely in his late twenties and smiled at my mom. He nodded to the other man and asked them to continue.
My mom shrieked and hugged me. She got me in pink sparkly underwear and laid me onto the backdrop. I laid onto the mat and it was cold. I felt the cool surface under my belly and shivered. There was at least two women who came in and decorated the scenery. There was tree that was on the left. Many bushes surrounded the area as I was picked up to lie on a log. I looked for my mom but she disappeared. I started to panic. I want my mommy. I looked at the lady and cried, “Where’s mama?” I asked as I sucked my thumb. I was so scared.
the lady patted my head and replied, “she went to change. Don’t worry. You’ll be with her in a few minutes. We are gonna take some shots of you alone, okay?”
I nodded.
The cameraman, the one who was around his fifties, smiled at me. “Alright, let’s roll!” he shouted.
The lights went on as the screen behind me turned green. I smiled at the camera with my head resting on my hands. Then I walked up to the tree and hugged it. They took numerous shots of me left and right. Then I picked up a flower and smelled it as the cameraman said, “Awe. She is so cute!”
After numerous shots of me being a fawn, my mom came in and leaned back against a tree as I crawled on my fours. The people applauded and more camera snaps were taken. I was being overwhelmed by the pictures being taken.
Mom started to undress me as I looked around. I grabbed her hand and said, “no. no. no!”
Mommy shook her head and screamed, “No. Vivi. We need the money. You have to do this!” She whined.
I felt so uncomfortable but here I was, naked. The makeup girls came in and patted make-up all over my belly and privates. I was dressed in a golden-tan color with white speckles on my back. I had a pointy ear set on my head and my nose was painted.
They set me on the set as I looked around for my mom. My mom smiled at me and told me to pose. I looked at the men who were in awe of me. I was extremely unhappy. I stared at them and started laying on my stomach to avoid being seen. They all applauded and decided to take more shots of me in that pose. I ran behind and bush and they all enjoyed that. I don’t know how to displease them. It seemed like everything I did made them enjoy me more. Everyone was laughing and clapping as my mom drank a bottle of wine and sat in the corner.
I was humiliated. I had enough. I left out a wail and my mom dropped her wine glass and came running. “What’s wrong, Vivi?” She asked.
“I’m scared!” I whined.
“Vivian, stop. We need the money. Just do it!” She pleaded.
I stopped crying as she put me down onto the set and the cameras came on again. This happened for the next forty minutes.


When we were going home, my mom stopped the cab and told him to drop us at the park. Finally I could be a kid. I thought to myself. I ran around the parking, catching butterflies, and playing in the sand box. My mom was checking her phone constantly and when it buzzed, she giggled.
There was another kid in the park who was my age. She was a brunette who had a cute spring dress on. It had flowers all around it and she had cute white flats on. Her mother was by her side, playing along with her. I wished my mom was like her but no, she was on the phone in a bench. I played with her until she took a bucket and smacked me hard against my head. I looked at her then I busted out crying.
“What the hell happened?” My mom lashed out.
The other lady picked her daughter up and said, “I’m sorry. My daughter hit her on accident. It was not intentionally done.”
My mom frowned and scooped me up. “Listen bitch. You were there. You should have known your fucking kid was going to strike my child. Should have taken her toy out of her hand.”
The lady yelled back, “Stop swearing. It’s wrong. I’m sorry but unlike you, I actually watch my kid.”
My mom roared out, “Fuck you bitch!” She put me down and started slapping the other mom.
The other mom dropped her daughter and started shouting, “Help!”
A couple of men came running in and breaking my mom off her. The lady straightens herself and said, “You’re going to be arrested, bitch!”
My mom shrugged, “The police know me already!” She yelled.
They both pick their children up and my mom went in the cab and they drove us back to our house. I looked at the other child who was being carried by her mother; her mother placed her inside their nice sleek black SUV. It seemed like they had everything.
Maybe one day, we will be like that. I hoped to myself as I stared into the setting sun sky.

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