Chapter ThirtyOne - Haircut

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Traveling Vivian

Part 31


It has been a month since my torture of living with Nurse Olie. Nurse Olie asked for days off of her job so she could spend time with her new baby. Unfortunately no one knew about her new baby and no one knew it was me. I was kept away from society. I was locked behind this house. I stared at the window waiting for a new survival. Sometimes I think living at the mental hospital was much better than this. At least I didn’t have to watch my back every time.

Nurse Olie spent most of her days of her vacation at the auction. She never brought me. To be honest, she left me at home most of the times. Nurse Olie went out to my old house, auctioning off all the furniture and antiques. She left me at home for nine hours a day. I had to fend for myself.  When I was a good girl and allowed her to touch me all over the previous night, Nurse Olie would let me walk freely. She kept dry foods in a cabinet the television stand and I could fish in. There was crackers, cereal, bread, cookies, and even spaghetti with sauces in tub wares. She would leave me forks and spoons too. That was if I was a good girl and I actually allowed her to touch me. However I wasn’t. I refused to let her touch me so I usually fought back. If I fought back, she would lose her patience and grab out a whip. She whipped me and after the first several attacks, I’d shut up and then she would turn me around and continue with her playing. If something like this happened, Nurse Olie handcuffed my ankles to one of the bed posts. She would keep five eighteen ounce sippy cups next to my arms as she kept one big plate of food just close to my reach. I had to reach for it to get it sometimes I had to get something to get it within my reach. Nurse Olie kept me naked most of the times. I barely was clothed when I was here.

I would wait at least for six hours for her. Sometimes I had to use the bathroom. It was easy when I had my handcuffs off but when I was tied to the bed post, I would just hold it in. I couldn’t wet the floor especially if I had to wait for her in it for the next seven hours.  I watched the clock ticking away. I kept myself busy by trying to find ways to untie myself but I needed a key or sometimes I needed a scissor.

Today I was tied up. Nurse Olie tied my ankles to the bed post and smiled at me. “Vivian, be a nice sweetie okay? Wait for mommy here.”

I growled at her as she packed her lunch.

She threw me a tub ware of food as she lifted the lid. “This will last you till mommy gets back okay?”

I shook my head and said, “I want to go to home!”

Nurse Olie slapped me hard then pulled my hair tightly. “Listen! I’m your mommy. This is your home! No one wants you! You are stuck with me or you would rather be at the mental hospital? Do you really like it there hm?”

She pulled my head back as she went to the mirror to check herself out. I stayed in my spot shivering and crying. I actually would like to be at my house. My house with mawmaw before she was taken away or Daddy’s house or wherever Linlee was. I just wanted to be away from this nightmare.

Nurse Olie sighed when her phone buzzed. She answered it harshly, “What the fuck you want?”

I heard a voice through the phone but I couldn’t make of it.

“Well that’s what you get. What happened to him?” She asked when she turned the phone on loud.

“I don’t know! He fought with someone at the bar and the person shot him! I don’t know what to do! What should I do?” The voice sounded like Ana.

“How about you come back here where you belong bitch?” She screamed.

“I refuse to go back to live with you!”

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