Chapter EightyThree - In Memory of Jax

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Winter was approaching before our doorsteps as I watched from the window. Down in Aurora, there was barely an inch of the snow. The snow settled across the ground as a cool blanket over a bed. I gaze from my window and watched as cars drove by slowly over the snowy road. A warm fire roasted in the fireplace near my right shoulder as I covered myself with the quilt. Happy family pictures hung across the walls as I tried to remember days with Jax.

Jax’s life was smitten when he traveled across the country, promoting his ways of technology and scientific theories. He supported the arts and many viewed him as the intellectual thinker. He was charming, charismatic, and intelligent. Men and women looked up to them as their new leader. Sebastian also volunteered to be his running mate for president. However, his goals of becoming a leader ended with his life.

After being elected in House of Representative, Jax was always gone. Ella, Bentley and Mint barely saw him and I was pregnant with our second child. Whenever Jax came home, he was always tensed and stressed out. It put a strenuous strain in our relationship that when he did come home, I just didn’t want him near me. The news of my pregnancy reached him as he wasn’t too thrilled. However, as a loving father, Jax wanted to be there for our baby. Things lightened up as he came home every weekend and we soon became the family we once were.

Then horrible news came upon us. I miscarried the baby. This caused us to separate further from each other than we ever were before. Jax and I struggled to even make words with each other but I was more upset with myself. Jax always mentioned we could try again but I didn’t want to. I felt it was my entire fault. My foolishness with Phil ate me up deeply every time I thought of my miscarriage. The news was hidden from Jax and that made me feel like a bigger coward.

Raising Ella, Bentley and Mint was a struggle, more so now that Jax was gone. Ella was now a ten, Bentley was nine and Mint was six. I graved for Jax. He was my love and my life. I thought of forever with him and though he couldn’t be forever, a lifetime was good enough. The news of his death moved me to mourning. For a month, I refused contacts with anyone. I refused friends, refused running his business and I even refused Phil. I remembered it like yesterday…

The sun was shining above our heads like a glorious king. Jax was excited for his daily events for campaigning. He was fixing his white button shirt. Ella wore her deep blue dress with white stockings and heels. Bentley wore his tux as Mint wore a beautiful green dress to accommodate her eyes. I looked at Jax as he stood before the mirror.

“This is going to be a lovely day!” Jax exclaimed.

I couldn’t help but smile too. I rose up next to him and held him closely to my body, like we never would part. “I love you and everything you’ve done for us.” I whispered.

Jax turned around and stared deeply in my eyes. His green eyes, emitting the heat in them. “I love you, Vivian. Promise you’ll stay by my side through everything?” He asked.

I nodded in agreement. “I’ve been with you through everything. I promise I won’t right now, especially because you need me.”

Jax laughed a bit as I fixed his tie. Once he finished, he turned to me again and planted a long, embracing, and warm kiss on my lips. His hands wrapped around my body as I snuggled closer in his arms. Jax’s kiss deepened as I pushed myself forward in his embrace. Our tongues entwined with each other’s as I closed my eyes and held him tightly.

Slowly, our kiss heightened until a loud honk came from the windows. Jax, groaning, pulled away and looked outside .A white limousine, stretched and wide, pulled up to the driveway and I saw Ella and Bentley running outside.  I peek from his arms to look and I saw Sebastian, waving his hat towards the kids.

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