Chapter SixtySix - The Devil's Work

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Chapter SixtySix


I waited for the results of Ella. Each moment that passed broke my heart. I cried and I didn’t want to think anymore. She was so fragile. People looked at me with sadness in their eyes and though I didn’t want their sympathy, I needed all the support.  Ella was wired everywhere and she looked so different when she was inside her incubator. The nurses smiled at me as they closed the door windows with a curtain and I shut my eyes. I turned away from the windows and walked back to the seat.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. I shut my eyes and held my face within my hands. Tears streamed down my face as I wondered what I should do. I closed my eyes and looked at the other patients. Everyone was either staring at me or some of them glued their eyes towards their loved one. I didn’t think I would be in this situation at all.  I closed my eyes and turned towards the window, hoping the nurses would uncover it and allow me to see my baby. I was feeling lost and depressed. My heart was slowly breaking as each minute ticked on the clock.

After a few moments or so, Calvin came in with Linlee. I was sitting down the waiting room, eating a sandwich. Each bite didn’t satisfy me. I wanted to know what they were going to do with Ella.

“How is she?” Calvin asked when he sat down next to me.

I heard Linlee going to the vending machines and getting a drink.

“She’s in there. I don’t know. They didn’t want me to see!” I cried out.

I felt Calvin’s fingers prying around me as he kissed my cheek. He planted kisses on my forehead and then he held me tightly. “It’ll be okay, Vivian. They are going to take good care of her. I know of it.” He whispered.

I closed my eyes and turned to the window. “I hope so… I don’t want anything bad happening to my baby girl!” I yelled.

“Shh- shh.” Calvin held me as he kissed me.

Linlee crept next to me on the other side of me. “Hey.” She said.

I looked at her and nodded. She was wearing alluring clothing. She had her leopard printed bra on and then a short mini skirt and torn fishnet leggings. I looked at her as she drank her can of soda. Her hair was straight down and she covered her package with a brown leather jacket. She painted her nails black and she looked horrible.

“Why are you wearing this?” I hissed.

“I was going to go to work. But then Calvin came home and I told him about the news. I decided to tag along.” She whispered.

“You look like a God damn whore. You are fucking embarrassing me.”

“Shut up. Half of the people here don’t even know I am here!” She yelled.

“What about the other half?” I asked.

“I don’t think they even care.” She turned to face the television and sipped her cherry cola.

“Linlee, I love you and all but I need you to go. You make me look like a bad mother just by you being near me. Please just go.” I hissed.

Linlee looked at me and gasped. “You know what. Suit yourself. I hope your baby fucking dies.”

I growled and slapped her face. “Get out you whore!”

Calvin grabbed my wrists and said, “shh! Vivian stop being so embarrassing! Stop! Linlee, go!”

Linlee smirked and left the hospital emergency room. I tried to calm down but all I wanted to do was to run after her and grab her hair. I wanted to beat her up and kill her own fucking baby. I ran my fingers in my hair violently and sat back down.

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