Chapter FiftySix - Wedding Bells

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Calvin and I agreed to a small motel for the time being. It had a kitchenette, a mini fridge, a queen sized bed, and a bathroom. In the meantime, I continued to go to school and Calvin took work study to check out a few churches. He wanted us to get married quickly so we could start our new lives. It was perfect for a little time. Calvin went out apartment hunting too. He decided on a two bedroom apartment near the duplexes. It was right next to the mall and Calvin's work. He placed the deposit and first month rent in. Calvin was excited because we started packing out of the motel room.

"Calvin, we've only been here for like a few weeks." I said.

"It is okay, Vivian. We will have more room to ourselves." He said.

"I didn't mind the motel," I stated.

Calvin stopped packing and came to hug me. "Vivi, the motel isn't a great place to raise our baby."

I nodded and looked at him. He went to bring the stuff to our truck. His truck was already packed with baby furniture. Calvin bought a baby crib and a little rocker from one of the consignment shops.

After everything, Calvin helped me up to the truck. It made me feel uncomfortable. We were two teenagers, trying to raise a baby when we didn't know how to take care of ourselves. Calvin was a sweet guy. He had his truck and he stepped up to being a father. I knew deep inside his eyes, he was worried just like me. I was worried about going to school and such. Who would watch our baby when we had school? I knew we couldn't afford daycare.

Calvin brought us up to the apartment. It was a brick building with three floors. Calvin pointed to the second floor window, left to the main entrance. He said that was our house. I looked at it from the truck. It was pretty and decent. I couldn't believe we were going to shack in this apartment. There was a park in the backyard and lots of old folks planting or tending to their gardens.

Calvin handed me a keychain consisted of two keys. "Here babe, go inside. Check out our home," he said.

I looked at him and then at the keys. I grabbed them and turned around. "But shouldn't I help?"

"Baby, you're pregnant. Stop being so stubborn. Check out the house."

I sighed and walked up the front entrance. i used the silver key to open the door. Then I walked to our apartment room, #17. I looked at the door and there was a banner around the door. It said, "WELCOME!"

I used the gold key and unlocked the door. Immediately, there was a dining set of four tables and a high chair. Calvin must have set up the place before we officially moved in. I looked at the kitchen and there was a microwave. Then I turned to my left and there was a white leather sofa that was worn down and a T.V set. Under the television stand, there was a DVD player. There was a coffee table with magazines and flowers. In the far right corner of the room was the baby's bassinet. Calvin was trying the best he could to be a good husband and father.

Calvin came up behind me with our suitcase of clothing. "Like it?" He asked.

I turned to face him. "How did you manage to get all this?"

"Don't worry babe. I was shopping at thrift shops to get these things. Well except for the television. Electronics have to be new. Go check out our bedroom."

I looked at him and walked to our bedroom. When I opened the door, I noticed a full size bed with red sheets. The walls were painted white and there were an abundance of pillows. There were two closets at each side of the room. At the end of the bed, there was a dresser and a desk with Calvin's laptop. I gasped when I felt something furry down below my feet.

I looked down and noticed a kitty. "Calvin! You got a kitty?" I asked.

"Yes. It needed a home and we needed a home and well, now we can be a family." He said.

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