Chapter Ten - Separation

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Traveling Vivian

Part Ten

It’s been a few weeks since I have seen my mother. I wonder where was she and if I ever will meet her again. The long days made me became reluctant.  I sat in a new foster care. The house wasn’t as good as the other one. It had twice as many children and I actually had to share a room with four other toddlers. They were loud and obnoxious. We had to share the toys too. I refused to share Spencer and when they did try to touch him, I would attack them with my hands. The nurses would break us up but then I would get a lecture on how to share. It was the same thing over and over again.

One day when I was sitting down in the playroom, a car pulled up. The intruder came and asked for me. I looked up and noticed it was a police man. He signed out and then he grabbed me. He placed me in the back of the car and then drove as fast as he could to the precinct.

“where are we going?” I asked.

“To see your mommy one last time.” He said bluntly.

My heart panicked as I looked at him. “Mommy… one last time?”

The man just nodded and continued driving. I stopped and stared into my hands. What will happened to our new home? My stuff? My life? Who will watch me? So many questions. Will I ever see mommy again in the future?

We finally arrived when we got to the precinct. I saw my mom hands bounded by the police officers. I was picked up by the police and brought to her. The others let her hands free as she ran to grab me.

“Vivian!” She yelled.

“Momma!” I cried.

“Vivian, listen to me. This will be a short five minutes. I promise I will find you when I get out of here. I promise, Vivian. Do you love mommy?” She asked.

I nodded and touched her face. It was frail and I felt her anguish. “Yes.” I said slowly.

My mom cried and hugged me tighter. “Oh my Vivi! My precious Vivi! I do love you too! Please don’t forget about me. I don’t care how many mothers or fathers you have! Just remember, I am your original mommy!”

I nodded and felt her tears on my cheek as she panicked and squeezed my body tighter by hugging.  I hugged her back finally.

“Don’t forget about me, Vivian! Please don’t! I miss you so much dearly already!” She said.

The police officers grabbed her up and placed the handcuffs around her hands. “No! Please! Don’t! She is my daughter! She needs me!” She yelled loudly.

Another one picked me up and patted my head. I felt silent tears streaming down my cheeks. Why was I crying? My mom never paid much attention to me anyways.

“If you love her so much, you should have not done what you did and be a good mother!” One of the police officers said as he cuffed her and brought her back to police area.

I watched her as she went away from me. I watched as her body blended in with the shadows of the place until finally, it disappeared.

“What do we do with her?” Another police officer asked.

“Well she already has an adoption going through. They want us to bring her there to the new house. They already got her stuff. So lets just bring her there.” The one holding me said.

I was already adopted. My heart raced. I had a new family already. I wondered how they would be and if they loved me just as much as my mom. Or maybe more? I watched the precinct as the drive to the new house was long and tiring. Where did these people live? And why do they live so far away from civilization?

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