Chapter Four - Weed

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Traveling Vivian

Part 4

The next morning when mommy woke up, she saw me picking my boogers while sitting in the crib. Mommy picked me up from the crib but she noticed I had wet the sheets and soaked my clothing with feces. I wasn’t afraid of her. I was more in need of a shower and possibly new clothing.
“Vivian! You little nutcase! What the hell is this?!” She screamed.
I giggled at her.
That didn’t make her happy one single bit. She picked me up and tossed me like I was garbage. She ran to the crib and threw Spencer across to the living room. I crawled around to get my doll but mommy yelled, “Oh no! You little shit! Get back here!” she said as she scooped me up and threw me in the bathtub. I looked out the door and saw Spencer, lying on the floor of the kitchen. I wanted to get my doll.
Mommy turned the shower on and it was burning my skin. She tore my clothes off and threw them on top of Spencer and then she touched the water one last time before she went to the room. She picked up all the bed sheets and threw them on top of Spencer again. I frowned and started to cry. Spencer had to smell my poop and I knew he didn’t like that.
In a rage, mommy threw on an oversized sweater and picked up the dirty laundry off the floor. “No fucking use to wash this shit. It’ll cost too much!” She said as she brought them outside. I saw her as she threw it down the chute that led it into the dumpster. All in the while, I saw Spencer’s hand sticking out. I cried louder and stomped on the shower. “Buh-bye Spencer…” I whispered.


Later that evening, Mommy made us some lunch of tuna salad on wheat toast. “Here Vivi, have some lunch so we can go visit the park. There’s a spring festival going on.” Mommy said as she handed me a plate of carrot sticks and a sandwich. “Yummy?” she asked. I nodded.
While eating our lunches, mommy received a phone call. She smiled as she talked away on the phone. “Yeah come over, honey!” She said as she hung up. She sat back down across from me and said, “hey extra 50 bucks won’t hurt right?”
After a few short minutes, a man came over to talk to mommy. However they weren’t just friendly chatter. They had more than that. The man picked mommy up and kissed her all around her face. I almost threw up watching them. I saw mommy’s hands reached down his pants. I looked down at my sandwich and remembered mommy using her hands to touch my food. I gulped. I hoped she washed them. I had a bite of my carrot stick and put it down. I stared at my mom and she kissed the man on his private. I looked away.
“Damn! Do something about your kid, will you?” He asked.
“Vivi, go play outside! Mommy will get you when we are finished okay?” Mommy replied.
I shrugged and went outside. I stared at the sunny blue sky and sighed. I didn’t have Spencer, my mommy threw him away. I had no other toy to play with minus the T.V but mommy didn’t turn it on. And I had no other toys to play with. Again my last resort was the sand that surrounded our house.
After an hour or so, the man came out and patted my head. “Here you go buddy. For being such a good girl, you can have one my candy bars.” He said as he opened the door. I grabbed the bar from him and nodded my head. He signaled me to go in. “Go in, honey. Your mommy is asleep.”  The guy said as he tied his boots. I watched him hopped into his car and drove off.
I frowned. She was asleep? She promised to bring us to the park. I wanted to go play in the new kiddie rides that they had there. Plus, the spring festival seemed fun.  
I tugged on mommy’s hand as she snored loudly on the bed. “Mama…” I said.
Mommy snored louder.
“Mama… Park?” I asked as I shook her harder.
Mommy stirred and looked down at me. “Vivi, go play outside. Mommy is taking a nap.”
“Mama, I want to go to the park…” I reminded her.
“Vivi go outside!” She commanded.
I jumped back a bit but I listened to her. I went outside and looked at the T.V set. Maybe if I just click on the red button, the T.V will come on and I can watch my favorite show. I looked at the remote. All these strange buttons. I clicked on the red circle button with a dash line in the middle. “This is it,” I murmured to myself. The T.V came on but there was a fuzzy black and white screen that came on and screeched. I jumped back but turn off the T.V.
The door to the bedroom creaked open as mom came out, rubbing her eyes. “What the fuck, Vivi? What the hell you doing?” She snapped.
She grabbed the remote from me and turned it on. Then she grabbed a smaller remote above the T.V and aimed it at the little box under the T.V.  Instantly, my kid show came on.  “There you brat. Leave me alone now.” She growled and she fixed her hair and went back to bed.
I slouched and went to sit at the rug. I saw a bag of chips laying on the coffee table and started munching on it. Perfect Sunday afternoon. Just sitting down watching T.V. I wasn’t too thrilled about this but I should get used to it. I knew Mom was always busy having company over but still, I wanted to go to the Festival. Maybe tomorrow. I said to myself.


Later that evening, Mommy got a call from another man. His voice was ragged and he sounded heavy set. Mommy asked, “how big are you?” and she giggled. The man said something and she screamed, “Come over!”
The next thing I knew some big baggy man came in. He smelled so funny like he was smoking something. He jumped on mommy on the living room floor while I sat at the table eating my Mac N cheese. I saw him touched mom in all the wrong places as she squealed. Immediately he started stripping and she did too. They did something that I turned away from.
After twenty minutes, he sat at our living chair and whipped out a cigar, He emptied the filling out and bought a white package. The thing that came out was green leafy things. He spread them and broke the leaf apart. Mommy came to get me and threw me in the crib. I watched her as she started smoking the thing the guy made. They switched back and forth. And the house started smelling funny.

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