Chapter Eleven - Lay-Dee, Daddy, Stinkin' Rich

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Traveling Vivian

Part Eleven

We arrived in a big flamboyant marbled house covered with pine trees. On the right it had a barn with haystacks left and right. There was one car garage with a big pink Audi Q5 outside. There was a beautiful pond sprouting out a water shoot in the center as a tiny bridge centered it. It really was a delight to see! The house was guarded by a tall black fence that surrounded the main house. To the back there was brick fence that protected the back yard from prying eyes. The house was connected to my high way so in the back of yard, a brick wall about ten feet separated the end to the high way. I guess that was the only downfall of the house.

I waited outside as the police officer dialed someone up. “Yeah we’re here downstairs. We are waiting for you guys to come outside and grab her.”

Someone said something through the phone as the police officer nodded.

He picked me up and smiled at me, “Nice big house you are going to have right?”

I nodded and stroke his cheek.  “Are you my new daddy?”

The man laughed and shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. But I am pretty sure your new family will love you and you are definitely going to have the attention you need from them.”

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder as the gates from the main house opened.  Out came a lady in a pink blouse and white pants. She had long brown hair and her skin was tan and she was really beautiful. Right by her side was another lady who had on a long grey skirt and a white blouse that had ruffles along the center. She was holding stacks of folders and books.  The ladies both smiled at me when they saw me. The pink lady picked me up from the police officer. The other lady talked to the police officer for a moment and then turned to me. I saw the police officer went back to his car as he drove away. I waved bye silently as I looked at his car.

“So, Lysandra Callis, this is your new daughter. Her name is Vivian Houston.” The lady in the grey blouse said.

“Oh my gosh! She is so beautiful! I have to call Andrew so he can see her.” She said as she took out a cell phone. She called him up and then yelled through it, “Andrew! You have to see her! She is so beautiful!” Then she turned to me and noticed the clothes I was wearing.  “It looks like you need fresh new clothes. Come on, Vivi! We’ll put you in new clothes okay?”

I just nodded and held her tightly.

The grey lady then said, “I guess if you have any questions, just call me okay?”

Lysandra nodded and then replied, “Yes. Thank you, Ms. Watts!”  She continued on with our journey to the main house. I couldn’t believe I was already adopted and that my mommy was no longer my mom. I had new parents. And this time around, I actually have a dad besides forty different dads.

“Vivian, can you say mommy?” She asked me.

I stared at her and thought. I called my real mother ‘mawmaw’ instead of mommy.  I shook my head. It doesn’t feel right to call her mommy. She was not my real mother at all.

“Say mommy!” She shouted in my ear.

“MAW MAW!” I cried out.

The lady shook her head and sighed. “Okay so how about call me, lady?”

I stared at her and pronounced the syllables.  “La- la – la – la”

“No Vivian. Lay-dee.” The lady snapped.

“La- la – la – la – lay- dee. Lay-dee. “ There I said it.

Lady giggled and hugged me.  “Okay. I’m lady! Let’s meet daddy now!”

When we walked into the house, there was beautiful chandelier that welcomed us right in. To the right was a bathroom and there was another door. I suppose the door led to the garage. And to the left was the kitchen. I was shocked how big the house was. Straight in front of us were the living room and another bathroom. The new Lady placed me down. Then a man came out from the living room, smiling down at me. “Little child! She must be our new baby!” He cried as he picked me up.  “She’s perfect, Lysandra. She’s our new princess. Let’s go upstairs and show her to her new rooms!” He said as he picked me up and went up the stairs. The new Lady followed us behind as we walked to a room that was straight in front of the stairs. “Here is your playroom and Vivian this is everything you can rummage in. You have a toddler bed, play table, doll house, a piano, and a pego block. You also have all the dolls any baby can have.” I giggled as he put me down.

“What are you going to play with first? Andrew, get the new pink and red dress from the closet for her to wear.” Lady said as she sat down next to me. I walked into the bag from the hospital and grabbed Spencer out from the bag. “Of all the toys, she decides on an old doll that’s raggy and ugly!” Lady snapped.

“Lysandra, it is hard for her. She’s still trying to adjust to this new house. She obviously loves that doll if she went straight to it first.” Daddy said as he scooped me up.  “Come on, Vivi. Let’s change your clothes.” He then took off my purple dress and placed on a pink floral top and a red pants on.  The clothes were clean. It felt like they just got it yesterday.  He then placed me back down as I got back to Spencer.

“Spencer this is my new playroom!” I said as I hugged him tightly.

Spencer didn’t say much but I knew he was in awe of the room. His nose glistened under the light.

“It is nice, isn’t it?” I asked.

His eyes nodded and I hugged him tighter.

“Lady is nice and daddy is really good. I like it here Spencer!” I whispered.

I watched Lady and Daddy as they talked to each other.

“Lysandra, I’ll be gone in a few moments. I have to bring the horses to mate.” Daddy said as he caressed lady’s cheek.

Lady growled and stated, “we just got our precious daughter and you still want to tend to your horses. Why?”

Daddy shook his head and said, “Lysandra. The horses are my life. I have been riding them, racing them and training them since I was a boy! If you need anything, just call me okay?”

Lady pouted and nodded. They gave each other a kiss and daddy walked out of the room. Lady stayed as she sat across from me. She watched me as I played with Spencer and kissed him. I looked at her and stepped back from her. It was creepy to have her watch me play with Spencer. Sometimes I really don’t like it when people watch us play with each other. It was like what I do with Spencer is personal.

I quickly put down Spencer and played with the building blocks. I played with them and watched Lady. She eyed me like a hawk. Then she got up and kissed my head. I felt violated. Worse when Mom brought that pierced guy in and he took a shower with me.  I picked a block and threw it across her head. She started crying out and then yelled, “Vivian! That was not nice! Not nice at all!” She yelled as she picked me up and threw me in the corner. “Time out missy!”

I watched from the corner as she took her phone out and called Daddy. “Andrew she took a block and aimed it at me. She was not kidding either!”

I heard Daddy yelled through the phone. “Lysandra what did you do to make her hit you?”

“I don’t know! I gave her a kiss and she started taking all the blocks and threw them onto the floor. She picked one up and striked me straight in the forehead. She is in time out right now!” She said as she turned to look at me.

“Lysandra, we have to make her feel welcomed. That was not nice of you either. Get her out of time out and leave her alone!” Daddy yelled through the phone.

I heard him scream through the phone and I cried out, “DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!”

“You hear that, Daddy? She wants you!” Lysandra shouted as she hung up the phone. She pulled me out of the time out corner and threw me onto the floor. Then she stormed out the room and went in her own room. She closed my door behind me.

I crawled to Spencer and hugged him. “Spencer, I don’t like when Lady kissed me.  I  don’t like when people kiss me anyways.”

Spencer’s eyes glimmered and he nodded.

Traveling VivianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang