Joey glared at Maxx and Chandler in hate. He slowly released my arm and nodded at Chandler to let go of Glen. Chandler cautiously did.

                Maxx beckoned me over and I began to walk towards him. Glen spun around and punched Chandler in the face as hard as he possibly could.

                Chandler yelped in pain and surprise and stumbled back a little as his nose began to bleed lightly. He brought his fingers up to catch some of the blood and stared at his now stained fingers with a slightly confused frown.

                “Don’t hit Chandler,” Maxx snarled dangerously, advancing at Glen with clenched fists.

                Joey grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me back over to him. “Don’t touch Glen you dirty faggot. I’ll break Mark’s nose if you do,” Joey snapped.

                Maxx glanced over at us and swore. “Fine!” he cried angrily and shoved Glen at Maxx. “Now let go of Mark!”

                Joey released me and nailed me in the chest again before he and Glen hurried away. I rubbed my chest gently, coughing.

                Maxx came over to me and bit his lip nervously. “Are you okay Mark?” he asked, his eyes shining with concern. I slowly nodded, knowing I would have a nasty bruise there by tonight.

                “Chandler, are you okay?” Maxx asked, turning to face Chandler.

                “He hit me. That pussy actually hit me,” Chandler said in surprise as he used his shirt to wipe blood from his nose. It was starting to drip steadily from his nose.

                “Tell us if they give you any more trouble Mark. We’ll kill them,” Maxx hissed, taking my hand in his and kissing me firmly.

                “I’ll kill them anyways. Glendon freaking Carter just hit me and made my nose bleed!” Chandler said, anger coming to his face.

                “Let’s just go to your house Chandler. Your shirt is going to stain if you don’t soak it or something,” Maxx said with a shrug. Chandler looked down at his shirt and pouted. “Dammit,” he grumbled and followed us out of the school.

                We got in Maxx’s car and he drove us to Chandler’s house. We got out of the car and Chandler’s sister looked up at us. She smirked when she saw me and Maxx, but her eyes widened when they landed on Chandler’s bloodied shirt.

                “Ariel, don’t tell mom and da-”

                “MOMMY CHANDLER’S BLEEDING REAL BAD!” Ariel cried, running into the house.

                “Dammit!” Chandler growled.

                Maxx snickered and I smiled a little. We went into Chandler’s house and his parents came out, his dad holding Ariel. His mom gasped in horror.

                “Chandler! What happened to your nose?” she asked in panic.

                “I’m fine mom. Don’t worry about it,” Chandler grumbled.

                “Maxx, Mark, what happened to him?” Mrs. Martin demanded.

                Maxx rolled his eyes. “Some guys were trying to beat up Mark and we went to stop them. One of them decked Chandler,” Maxx explained.

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