" -Estaban enamorados. Se notaba por la manera en la que se miraban el uno al otro, cómo si tuvieran el secreto más maravilloso del mundo entre ellos."
Donde los complejos y las inseguridades matan, donde la verdad es el objetivo mayor y el pasado d...
"Una guerrera no llora a sus muertos hasta que la guerra acaba."
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Can'tseemtoleaveyourside Yourpillow'swet FromallthesetearsI'vecried I won'tsaygoodbye
I triedtosmiletoday Then I realizedthere's no pointanyway
Inthis time I'velostallsenseofpride I'vecalled a thousand times If I hearyourvoiceI'll be fine
And I, I can't come alive I wanttheroomtotake me under 'Cause I can'thelpbutwonder Whatif I hadone more nightforgoodbye? Ifyou'renotheretoturnthelightsoff I can'tsleep Thesefourwallsandme (1)
If I riskitall Couldyoubreakmyfall?
How do I live? How do I breathe? Whenyou'renothere I'm suffocating I wannafeellove, runthroughmyblood Tell me isthiswhere I giveitallup? Foryou I havetoriskitall Cause thewriting'sonthe wall
A millionshardsofglass Thathaunt me frommypast As thestarsbegintogather Andthelightbeginstofade Whenallhopebeginstoshatter Knowthat I won't be afraid (2)
Whereyougo I go Whatyousee I see I know I'd never be me Withoutthesecurity Ofyourlovingarms Keeping me fromharm Putyourhandinmyhand Andwe'll stand
Lettheskyfall Whenitcrumbles Wewill stand tall Faceitalltogether (3)
Strong, a sideof me youneverfound 'Causeyouonlysee me whenmyguardisdown Andit'swrong, and I hatethatit'sthetruth But I onlylikemyselfwhen I'm withyou
But I'm alone, I'm alone, I'm aloneagain Andall I want, all I wantistofeelagain
There'snobodylikeyou Nobodylikeyou I triedgoodbye a hundred times no oneofthemtruth (4)
1- These four walls; little mix 2- Writings on the wall; sam smith 3- Skyfall; adele 4- Nobody like you; little mix