"Naya over here!"

"Naya right there! Don't move!!"

"Where's Odell?!"

"You Look beautiful tonight!"

I posed for the pictures ignoring the comments while they blinded me with the lights. After what felt like forever I was ushered inside six minutes before 12. Walking around I noticed they had the countdown projected on the wall which was I thought was cool. Then I spotted Mila she was already in Jordan's arms, instead of walking over I thought I would just leave the two alone she would find me if she needed me.

"Naya is that you?" A voice said as I walked by pausing in my tracks I looked around to see who the culprit was "Oh my gosh Keith!" I greeted the familiar face. "How you been" he asked giving me a hug "I'm good, congrats on the movie" I say knowing that The New Edition movie was going to be coming out soon.

Just then a couple of his other cast mates appeared one of them I knew "Luke I see you Mr. Suave" I say complimenting his fit. Luke was an old friend who I got the chance to work with in the music business.

"Thank you, you look Beautiful as always" he complimented "since you're all kinda here I'll say it again Congrats on the New Edition movie I can't wait to see it" I gave them credit where it was due.

"Thank you" they all said grinning, suddenly the lights went down and a man appeared on a stage that I didn't even know was there. He stood on the stage gaining everyone's attention, showing them the screen to the countdown and that there was only a minute left. I took my phone out ready to text O as soon as the clock hit 12.

When it got to ten seconds everyone began to countdown including myself I was itching to press send and that's what I did. Five seconds before the clock hit 12 my finger had a twitch hitting the send button but I was immediately relieved when I saw the three dots pop up.

"Happy New Year!!" Everyone yelled gold confetti appearing out of nowhere I turned around Telling the people around me happy new year.

From: Dellie☯️💕😍
Happy New year to you as well, wishing I was with you right now

I read the text over frowning a bit because he really did make me miss his presence. It made me think was this healthy? For me to want him by my side at all times. I felt clingy at times but he was always there to reassure me the feelings were mutual.

I quickly texted him back telling him the feeling was mutual and that he should enjoy his night. After I put my phone back into my clutch watching everyone's happy expressions.

"Why you look so sad smile a little" Keith said nudging me, I look up at him shrugging showing off a fake smile. "I need a drink" I say telling him I was going to head over to the bar nodding at me I took that as an okay and proceeded towards the bar.

"Can I get a shot" I asked the bartender who quickly got my drink for me. Without hesitating I threw the drink back ignoring the burning sensation in my throat, throwing my hand up I asked for another. Drinking that one as well I turned away from the bar looking over at the scene in front of me.

Spotting a familiar face in black and red I walked over making sure to not bump into anyone "look who it is" Ben said shaking his head as I approached "I tried looking for you but gave up" I say shrugging as I go to hug him and also greeting his friends.

The Perfect Ruin (OBJxSevyn)Where stories live. Discover now