Swamped Again

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Swamped Again 

Chapter 21

Moana's POV

A few days later... 

  Tamatoa has been leaving me alone and keeping his distance from Ariel and I the past few days which is a relief, though unfortunately not for Jack and Maui. He's been taking out a lot of his anger on them. He even convinced Gaston to do the same. I feel so bad for them. They're the two most wonderful guys and neither one of them deserves the shit that Tamatoa gives them on a daily basis. I swear as long as that asshole remains at this university, our lives are going to be hell. The only bright side is that he's a junior so he only has two more years before he graduates. 

   Anyways it's almost the end of the week already which is crazy. Time just goes by so fast. The four of us are taking one last lake day off campus on Saturday because it's starting to get colder. Fall is going to be here next week. When fall comes around, it's too cold to swim outdoors. I'm just so happy it's Thursday. One more day and it's Friday. I'm stating the obvious but oh well. The only downside to this rather peaceful week in terms of people not bothering me is my extreme workload. Some weeks are better than others but this week as been one of those weeks where I have eight to ten hours of homework to do followed by additional studying. In other words, I've barely gotten any sleep. In addition to that, I have to work in time to shower, eat, and relax. Relaxing though is at the bottom of my list of priorities. That's why I'm grateful for Saturday. It's my incentive to survive the week. 

 After classes... 

  Maui and I have supper together because it's the only time we'll see each other until tomorrow afternoon. We have to limit supper to an hour in order to be able to get everything done tonight. Maui understands because he's in the same boat himself. My stomach rumbles as I grab out the food I'm craving to eat, which includes mac and cheese, pizza, buffalo chicken wings, and mashed potatoes. For a drink, I decide on iced tea. Maui gets a pretty similar platter of food, the only difference being that instead of mashed potatoes, he gets a side salad. For a drink, he gets a protein shake. It's understandable because he can't pig out on "junk" food completely. Like it's okay for athletes in moderation. As long as they work in some healthy meals and snacks, then it all works out. 

After supper...

 Maui walks me back to my dorm and we share a loving hug and kiss as usual before parting ways for the night. Maui knows how stressed I am and that if I need anything at all, to call or text him right away. I thank him for his sweet offer and stand in the doorway, watching him leave. It takes everything in me not to run after him and fling myself into his loving, strong arms. I sigh, plop down at my desk, and dive into the dreadful ritual of completing this mountain of homework and studying. It's no wonder why I'm such a zombie and can't stay awake in most of my classes. It's not like high school where I get told how to manage my time, get extensions on assignments if needed, coached in self growth, etc. I have to fend for myself for the most part and sometimes it really sucks. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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