Tiny Rick

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(1006 words)

Your POV 

I was walking over to the Smith's house one morning when I walked through the door to hear Morty. 

"One of the lunch ladies died in the gym last night she had two little holes on the side of her neck and all the blood was drained from her body." 

I smiled and ran into the kitchen. "A vampire?!" I said. 

Morty, Summer, Beth, and Jerry smiled when they saw me. "(Y/n)!" They said. I smiled. 

I looked at Rick. His face had shown no emotion but his eyes told a different tale. I smiled at him and he looked at his flask. 

Summer walked over and hugged me. "Where have you been?" she asked. 

I looked down a bit.  " I had some personal stuff to sort out." I said. 

Beth put a hand on my shoulder. "Awe honey. Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked. I shook my head and gently shook her hand off my shoulder. 

"Grandpa Rick can you help us find the Vampire at school?" Summer asked. 

Rick sighed. "I don't want to be a teenager again and find a fucking vampire." he said. 

Morty sighed. "Please Rick?" he asked. 

Rick looked at Morty before standing and going to the garage. 

There was some drill sounds and banging. Summer and Morty went to school while I went to the garage to see what Rick was doing. I opened the door to see a naked Rick in a giant jar and a person with blue hair and a lab coat pushing buttons next to the jar. 

I grabbed Rick's vaporizer and pressed it to the back of the guys head. 

"Who are you and why are you in Rick's garage?" I asked. He turned around and smiled. He looked similar to Rick. 

"Heyyyy I'm TINY RICK!" he said. 

I cocked the gun. "Then what's my name?" I asked. He took the gun from me. 

"Your name is (f/n) (l/n). We've known each other for almost two years." he said. I nodded and crossed my arms. 

"Then why the hell are you in a huge jar and you so short?" I asked and leaned on the table. 

"I put my old guy brain from my normal body into this tiny one so now I'm TINY RICK!" he said. I released a chuckle. 

"Why are you tiny Rick?" I asked. 

"So I can go to school and help Summer and Morty find the vampire." he said. 

I nodded and he smiled. "Well i'm off! I'll see you later (Y/n)!" he said before leaving. 

I sighed and looked at the floating older Rick in the vat of science water. I sighed. "What did you do this time?" I said with a sigh and sat on the table while I waited for the school day to be over. 

~After School~ 

Summer and Morty walked in the garage with a very happy Tiny Rick and a duffel bag of bloody wooden stakes. Morty and Tiny Rick were talking while Summer looked worried. I walked over to her. 

"Summer what's wrong?" I asked. 

She pulled me into the kitchen. "I think older Rick is dying in that jar." she said. 

I furrowed my brows. "But Tiny Rick said that he was being preserved." I said. 

She nodded. "But Tiny Rick was singing earlier about how he was dying and wanted help." she said. I looked at the older Rick. "I'll look into it." I said. 

She nodded. "Thank you. If Mom or Morty lost Grandpa Rick. They couldn't handle it." she said. 

I nodded and she walked off to text her friends. Hell I don't even know what I'd do if I lost Rick. 

I stayed over and kept an eye  on older Rick's condition.  I was worried that Tiny Rick would try and not allow that to happen. 

-The Next Day- 

Summer and Morty woke up the next day and got ready for school. I smiled and wished them a good day at school. Tiny Rick ran by with them and I sighed worriedly.  

Today was the day of the dance and Tiny Rick was going. 

In cased with worry apparently the day can move a lot faster than normal. I was in the garage when I heard Tiny Rick, Summer and Morty get home from school. "Summer got me kicked out of school!" He wailed.

I looked at Tiny Rick. Summer looked at me and nodded. I grabbed Tiny Rick and slammed him onto the table by his throat. 

"Alright you're going into your normal body." I said. He kicked me off. "Never! I like being a teenager!" He said. 

"You're killing yourself." I said and grabbed him again. He kicked me off and got on me before swinging a few times at me. I swung at him and nailed him in his cheek knocking him off. 

I grabbed the electrodes and put them on each side of his forehead before hitting the button on his control switch and letting the Tiny Rick body fall. The glass broke for the jar Rick was in and he fell out. 

I grabbed his lab coat and put it over him. He looked at me and smiled.  "You know you throw a mean punch." he said. I chuckled. "Yeah well I gotta knock sense into you some how." I said. 

I stood and so did Rick. Summer freaked about his nakedness and I chuckled while Morty didn't seem to care. Rick looked happy to be back to his normal body and the other two seemed to be happy to have their Grandpa back. I smiled because I finally got my friend back the way he was supposed to be. 

Arthur-chan here! I hope you liked this chapter. Yes I know this isn't exact and a few things are wrong for the details, but all in all i hope you liked it anyway. But comment what episode you want me to base the next chapter on and i'll make it happen! Thanks for reading! TCCL out~! 

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