Take You to the Ice Cream Shop

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Chapter Eight: Take You to the Ice Cream Shop

"I'm going to use the restroom real quick," Ria told them before walking away.

The way Brittany was glaring at her, she knew that she wasn't pleased by seeing her. She thought she'd just go to the restroom for a while. The less time she spent near them, the happier the blond girl would be.

She was making her way towards the door when she felt a small pain in the back of her head. She looked behind her to see if anyone had accidentally hit her, but saw no one.

She clutched the back of her head to cradle the pain. It was like a small needle had been pierced into her occipital lobe. The pain was quite uncomfortable.

She moved her head from side to side to see if it would help. The pain had begun to diminished when she suddenly felt another pain, however, this one was in her frontal lobe.

She touched her forehead, hoping that this was nothing big. She couldn't have what happened last time, happen again. At least not here.

She waited a few seconds until the pain was gone, then she began to walk to the restroom again. She was happy that it wasn't like last time, that was until she everything around her suddenly went black.

I turned around and saw no one behind me. Alex and everyone had mysteriously disappeared. I turned around in circles hoping to see at least someone, but it was all just pitch black.

"Hello, is anyone there," I foolishly called out.

If this was a horror movie, I would for surely be dead by now. What smart person in their right mind does that? It's as if the killers gonna yell, 'I'm in the kitchen making a sandwich, you want one?'

"I don't want anything to happen to them," a scared voice rang around me.

I looked around, but couldn't find a source. She sound like her life was slowly falling apart. I could practically feel the quiver in her voice.

"Who's there?" I called out again.

My heart thumbed inside my chest, slamming against my ribs. I felt my stomach drop at the fear that crawled up my spine. Where was I?

"There's no need to worry, the children are strong. They will together face the problems that come their way."

Images of two people popped into my head. Like last time, they were seen from a negative film. There was a woman and a man. From the features that I could make out, she had long wavy hair that looked slightly disheveled. The man had semi-short hair. His figure was quiet tall and muscular. A sense of familiarity ran across my mind. The woman was clutching onto him, sobbing. He patted her back in comfort, before he wiped away a stray tear.

"It's time to send the kids," another figure ran through the door behind the couple.

Unlike the other man, this one was slightly shorter, but just as muscular. His hair was a tad bit longer. He immediately stopped and stared at something behind me. In a swift motion, I turned around, but nothing was there. It was all black.

I turned back around to see the man. He still stood there staring behind me. What could he be looking at?

Movement from the corner of my eyes caused me to turn my attention back to the couple. The woman reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out three papers. They were the shape of a rectangle and gave me letter vibes.

"I wish these notes will guide you three in the future", she placed the letters in something behind me.

As usual, I couldn't see behind me.

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