Genetic Mutation

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Chapter Thirty-One: Genetic Mutation

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Ria asked. Her voice gave off the fact that she felt like somehow it was her fault. Of course it was her fault. She always managed to do something stupid and now, because of her, Alex has new power or maybe this could be worse. What if this is just for a short while and he'll lose his powers?

"When you fainted-"

"The colorful waves!" Greg shouted, completely cutting Alex off.

Alex sent him a dirty look. "Can you guys please stop cutting me off!"

Greg smiled apologetically before motioning for him to continue. Before Alex could open his mouth, Brittany said something.

"Colorful waves?" Brittany asked as if it was the most weirdest things she'd heard all day.

Alex stared at the sky and sighed deeply. Simple instructions and they still can't follow it.

"When Ria fainted, this strange wave of colors that gave off a very powerful aura had flooded into the surroundings. How far it went, we don't know, but it was very pretty, but also very strong." Brian spoke about it like it had been one of the most prettiest things he'd ever seen.

"That was my line! I hate you guys," Alex pouted.

"Alex, this is not the time to play around. You said that's it's impossible to get powers, but now you have new ones. We can't have more than one power, but I have like three. This is all happening because of me," Ria worriedly glanced down.

Her body aches with guilt and fear. What had she done?

"Why are you saying it like it's a bad thing?" Alex didn't understand why she sounded so worried. He had new powers. A power that allowed him to easily catch bad guys.

"Why am I acting like it's a bad thing? That's because it is! How do we know that this new power isn't going to cause any type of genetic mutations to you, either of you guys? Or even worse, if you got new powers, then what if the bad guys also got powers? Powers that could be much stronger than ours!"

Their smiles fell off their faces. Her dreaded words seeped into their bones causing them to be filled with panic.

"Ria, just relax. We'll look more into it. Freaking out will not get us anywhere," Greg was the first to break the silence that had settled over them like a thing sheath of snow.

"I-I can't be here. I'm dangerous. What if I do something that harms either of you guys?" She looked at the with tears lining her waterline. Horrible images of them hurt swarmed inside her head.

"She's right. All she's done so far is cause problems. Maybe we're safer without her," Brittany speaks, her arms crossed over her chest and her lips curved into a tiny smirk.

"No!" Alex's voice boomed. "If you leave, the matter could get worse." He looked up at her finally. He moved towards her and stood right in front of her. When he reached to grab her shoulders, she flinched back.

"Don't! Just don't. I don't want to hurt you," her soft red eyes looked up at him. Her body shrunk back. Guilt and despair pecked at her insides like vultures.

Ignoring her words, Alex placed his hand on her shoulders.

She closed her eyes and soaked in the cold his hands were offering. It settled her nerves and relieved her of her tension. When she opened her eyes again, she was met with an unknown emotion surging behind his eyes. They were sapphire again, but an intensity had been behind them. It wasn't anger, he just seemed desperate. Those blue eyes of his seemed to beg her for something.

"Stop blaming yourself, Ruby," he said with a sigh of defeat.

Her stomach flipped at the nickname he had came up with. Her mind clouded with confusion. Why the sudden strange feeling.

"What is happening to you is not your fault! If you leave right now, then the chance of you getting into the wrong hands would be high. If you really want to help us, or anyone you care about, then you have to learn to control your emotions. You don't realize it, but every time you get mad or project any type of emotions, the air gets warmer. Just because it doesn't affect us, it does not mean that it doesn't affect the humans."

"But I gave you knew powers," she meekly whispered. "What if something happens to you or anyone else?"

"I can't say that I'm not even the slightest bit afraid of what might happen to me. But what I also know is that you didn't do this on purpose. Our biggest concern is controlling your powers. Ok."

She nodded her head.


"Alex. We have to take a sample of your blood first. I need to know if there has been any forms of mutation, or something that could cause problems," Greg interrupted.

"We don't even have the correct supplies," Brian interject.

"I know a place. It used to be a genetics and mutations lab, but was closed down last year because of a mutated virus. They left everything in the building due to it being contaminated," Greg explained.

"You want us to go to a lab that's contaminated with mutated viruses? How is that even remotely sane?"

Ria couldn't help but think that Gregory had officially lost his mind. They could end up with the virus. That would be even worse than the problem she had caused.

"It's a human virus," he told her.


Was that supposed to change her views on how idiotic this mission was?

"Human viruses and diseases can't harm us. Our molecular structure contains a mutation we Eroians call Eramizuxe. It's basically equivalent to the X gene from X-Men. It's what gives us superhero abilities and inhuman hearing, health, and strength."

"That explains why I've never gotten ill," Ria said like she'd finally figured out the cure to cancer.

"Yah, when humans get sick, it's because they've inhaled a bacteria, virus, or pathogen through air or it's been exposed to their body through a cut. When we inhale tainted air or get injured, the pathogens do enter our body, but eramizure attacks it before it could do us harm. The mutation in us is like an antibody that's been modified. It's fast to react and stronger than human antibodies. After sensing the pathogen, it immediately sends our white blood cells to attack it, thus creating the process called phagocytosis. What normally occurs in humans is it takes a few days because their immune system are not as strong as ours. Because we come from Eroas, a planet with a red sun, our bodies heal fast on earth because of the energy we seek from the yellow sun. The energy from the sun on earth is not as intense like it is Eroas. We can use our powers on Eroas, but our strength, hearing, and health doesn't not work the same there. We can't heal fast, hear abnormal things, or stay immune to diseases there," he further explained.

"So basically we're like humans there," she asked.

He nodded his head.

"Geek," Brian mumbled.

Greg shot him a dirty look.

Brittany smacked her brother upside the head, successfully earning a high five from Greg.

"Well, what are we waiting for then, let's go to a virus contaminated lab," she cheerily exclaimed.


I finally updated on time! This part is completely unedited. Also, I'd like to thank all those who are reading my story. I've managed to get six hundred and nineteen reads which is a lot for me considering I expect myself not to get even a hundred reads.

Some of the shit I said I already knew, some I had to research, and the others I completely made up. This is a superhero book, so don't expect half this shit to be scientifically possible or correct.

I'm not so interested in the human body so if something is incorrect(the actual science part), feel free to point it out. Please be kind about it. I'm not in the mood to deal with rude people.

As always, comment any errors and enjoy!

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