I Believe You Can Fly

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Chapter Forty-Five: I Believe You Can Fly

Ria flew back up to the edge of the building, coming face to face with Brittany. The blond had a smirk on her face as her hands crossed each other. The evil glint in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by Ria. The urge to slap the bitch was too strong, yet she contained herself for she was about to do something greater.

"See, I knew you could fly," the green eyed girl laughed out.

"Yah, I can. But you know what I think," Ria asked with mischief and vengeance in her voice.


"I believe you could fly." With those words, she pushed her off the edge, watching her form become smaller and smaller.

"Damnit, Ria. What the hell!" Alex yelled before her ran down to get Brittany. When he came back up, he could help but wonder how he was able to move again. It's like the force that was keeping him from savings Ria was gone. "Pushing her off the building is not the way to solve any problems."

"So she can push me, but when I repay the favor, I'm the bad guy?"

"I told you she was crazy," Brittany cried as she clung to Alex.

He pushed her away from him.

"That's not what I meant, Ria. You know she can't fly at all."

"We didn't know for sure whether I could fly, yet she still pushed me. Except the difference was, she had someone there to save her while you abandoned me. I didn't realize you hated me so much that you'd actually let me die."

Alex heard the hurt in her voice and his heart clenched in anger and sadness. What was the force that stopped him from saving her?

"I d-"

"Save it. I don't need your fucking lies, Alex. Your actions was enough evidence to show that this whole being mixed to me thing was a facade for you. And to think that maybe we were-" she took a deep breath in to prevent herself from breaking down. She could feel a sob stuck in her throat fighting to break free. "Forget it, you're not worth it."

"Ria, please let me explain," Alex begged. He couldn't let her go. Not today, not ever.

"There's nothing to explain. I don't have time to listen to some made up bullshit of yours. Your plan didn't work out so now you just want to make up excuses."

"Ria, let him explain," Greg said.

"You too? I thought that at least you wouldn't be a part of this," She humorlessly laughed.

"Oh for fucks sake, listen you dumb bitch. I don't know about them, but I pushed you because your scared ass wouldn't have done it be yourself. I did you a favor, you dramatic bitch," Brittany growled, annoyed by Ria.

"One more word from you and I'll fucking push you down again, and this-" she took a step closer. She closed her eyes when she felt her wound sting by the movement. "This time I'll make sure Alex can't save you."

"Don't you fucking threaten me," Brittany growled. "I'll k-"

"Brittany, shut up," Alex yelled. "This is all happening because of you. I don't know what possessed me to even bring you here. All you did was ruin everything."

"I think that maybe you guys should just leave before I do something everyone will regret," she let out a deep breath.


"Just leave!"

"If that what you want," the blue eyed boy said with pain in his voice.

He grabbed Brittany and Greg and sped away from there.

After they left the severeness of the situation slammed into her as she fell onto her knees. She felt the sting of her wound, but it wasn't enough to break her out of the inner turmoil her mind was going through. She just almost lost her life.

A strangled sob broke through her lips. She clutched her chest because of how badly she was hurt. Not physically, but mentally. She considered them her friends and they betrayed her. They were more than willing to let her die.

"Weak," a voice snickered.

Through tears, she looked up to find the source. It was almost like a whisper. Like the wind had carried to to her ears only to add salt to her wounds. It held humor and false pity.

"Who's there?"

"How about you come find me, princess," the voice sounded farther away this time. It was somewhere near the entrance of the building. It sounded like the voice was trying to play games with her. Some considered her pain to funny.

She got up and went to the entrance. She walked down the stairs until she heard a clank on the twelfth floor. She edged closer to the edge, where the sound came from, and looked down.


And that's when she felt it.


Really short chapter, I know.

I don't have time with work and school to be writing. I barely even have days off. But I can guarantee you that the next chapter will be much longer. And it just so happens to be the climax chapter.

After the next chapter, there will be a few more chapter and this book will officially be coming to an end.

The next book, however, will be much different from this book. I can't say too much or else it'll reveal too much, but do expect a change.

Anyways, like always comment any errors and enjoy!!!

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