Horrible Landings

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Horrible Landings

Flying with the birds was always something Ria had wanted to do. To feel the wind blow her hair behind her as she danced among the clouds.

When she was seven, she watched her first superhero movie. It was then she had immediately fell in love. Just watching them fly around with their wonderful capes and masks on made her feel happy inside. She wanted to be like them. She wanted to know what it felt like to be up so high.

But, as much as she wanted to be high up in the sky, what she didn't want was to be falling. Her hair flew to her face as she felt her body pulled down by the gravity. She felt invisible hands grasp her hips and pull it towards her death.

She felt like she was loosing this badly, yet a part of her felt like she'd live. Somehow, time seemed to have slowed down. She was falling, but she was faking slowly. It was like she was somehow preventing herself from splattering onto the ground like a big against a windshield. She almost felt like she was flying.

But before she could test her theories, she felt a pair of arms grab her.


Alexander watched in horror as the woman let go of Ria. She was falling at such a speed that he didn't know what to do.

He looked to Brian for help, but he was busy fending of the guy and his numerous spiders. The woman was nowhere to be seen. She's probably went to go deal with Sara and Joey, but he was sure Greg could handle her.

His only priority right now was to somehow save the brunette with the most beautiful hazel eyes he'd ever seen. The thought of not seeing the shine in them angered him so much he felt his body...vibrate?

He looked down at his hand and saw them moving at an unimaginable speed. Speed. He had super speed. If he ran really fast, then he'd be able to jump high enough to catch Ria before she fell.

But how was he supposed to control his speed? He'd been so busy with helping Ria that he hadn't any time to learn to control his speed. He knew he'd be able to run, but stopping was his main issue.

Whatever the outcome, he had no time to think. The girl he'd begun to like was about to fall to her death. He might get injured, but it was better than loosing her.

He closed his eyes and sent his mind to his happy place. Before it used to be the memory of when he'd fort felt Rinneas, but lately, it was a pair of red flaked hazel eyes.

His bright sapphire eyes opened up and he made a run towards her. Using all his force, he jumped up and wrapped his arms around her waist. Thankfully, they weren't too high at this point.

But the landing? Well the landing wasn't something Alex really like.

They fell to the ground with a loud thump. Rias body fell onto his, knocking all the wind out of him. Her elbow jammed into his ribs, surely he'd just broken a couple. The fall caused him to fall on his arms. He knew for a fact he'd heard a loud crack.

"Ooowww," he moaned in pain.

"Holy shit, Alex," she freaked out. Immediately, she jumped off of him.

His arm was bent in a strange way and his face was abnormally red.

"Can you please help me up," he groaned. Small movements made him want to die.

"Uh, yes, of course." She felt bad for him, mostly because he just risked his life to save her.

When they stood up, Alex took the time to examine his arm. It was hanging loosely by his side as if they had no bones in them. His stomach churned in pain and disgust. He knew he'd heal in a few hours, but those few hours were about to be filled with pain and discomfort.

"Aaaahhhh," a high pitched voice screamed, drawing both Ria and Alex's attention away from his broken arm.

In the distance, Brian swatted away the numerous 'spiders' that crawled all over him. His eyes were closed and his face was contorted in a mixture of pain and disgust.

"What the hell is he doing?" Ria asked.

"I'm not exactly sure," Alex shrugged his shoulders, then hissed when he realized that his arm was still mutilated.

The walked over to him. Ria tapped him on the shoulders causing him to jump at least five feet into the air.

He fell down with a loud thud, a moan of agony resonating from his mouth. He opened his eyes and began to look around in search for the spiders. They were gone and so was the man.

"He's gone," he mumbled.

"Yah, and so is the woman. I think they headed towards Greg and the others," Alex said.

"We need to go help him." Without waiting for them, she began to run in the direction Gregory had set off to.


A shorter chapter. I haven't had time to write so I tried to finish as much as I could.

Anyways, I have entered this story into the Wattys 2018. With the amount of reads on this story, I doubt anything will happen, but it's worth a shot.

As always, comment any errors and enjoy! This part is definitely not edited.

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