Who is the Masked Idiot?

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Chapter Twelve: Who is the Masked Idiot?

"What are you doing," Techno asked Light Speed. He was intently eyeing the brunette Light Speed was dragging into his house.

Her arms flailed at her side as her head hung from his arms. Light Speed showed no sign of distraught. He acted as though he were carrying a mere doll. Once in a while he would glance down at her face to make sure she was alright. He was afraid something might happen. God forbid she might accidentally die.

"Where were you?" The boy with the white hood asked him as he leaned against Light Speeds kitchen counter. His eyes suddenly widened when he saw a familiar face in his arms. "What happened to her," he frantically asked.

Dried blood was slathered under her small button nose all the way down to her chin. Her soft hair was messy, like she'd ran her hands through them one too many times. Even while unconscious, her face was distressed. It was like years worth of suffering had been carved into her young features.

"Oh great, here's this bitch again," Brittany groaned. She seated herself on a stool by the marble counter. Just when she'd thought she wouldn't have to see her today. The hatred she had felt for the innocent girl only intensified every time she'd seen her extraordinarily gorgeous face. Their kind was known to be beautiful, but this girl was something else. Almost like a Royal.

"For once, Brittany, can you just shut up," Light Speed growled, placing the girl onto his couch. His heart shattered when he'd seen how much pain she was in. It angered him how he couldn't help her. He looked down at the brunette and wondered what she was talking about.

Voices. She said she'd heard voices inside her head. He would think she was schizophrenic, but he doubted they usually had nose bleeds. Nor did they faint. Whatever was happening to her was different. Different how, though?

He took off his mask, revealing a very worried Alex. He was somewhat happy that he was finding something about her. But at the same time, he was upset because she trusted someone she'd just met on Monday more than him. Even though, Light Speed and Alexander Dixon were the same people, he wanted her to trust him as himself more than his alter ego for some reason.

"Alex, will you tell us what happened to Ria," Gregory Manson asked, pulling his white hood down. His curly red hair sprung out in tight ringlets that framed his face. He pushed his hair back from his forehead, where the hair had grown a tad bit longer than he'd like. His milky white irises turned back to their bluish green hue.

"Alex, speak. We want to know what happened to her," Techno pulled off his orange mask, his orangish red eyes going back to green. Like Gregory, Brian ran his hands over his golden locks that had been lightly gelled back.

"I don't know what happened. I was just casually continuing with the search when I heard a woman screaming. I ran to her, only to see a man stealing her purse, so I tried to help her. That's when I saw Ria there. We got the man arrested and the cops dropped the lady off at her place. We started talking when she suddenly froze. Her nose started to bleed and she fainted," he purposefully left out the part where she mentioned the voices.

With Brittany here, he couldn't say that. She wouldn't leave the poor girl alone. The last thing he needed was for Brit to have other ways to torture Ria. He didn't understand what had Brittany so worked up around the hazel eyed girl. The blonde was always nice to everyone, so what made Ria bring out the beast in his friend.

"I wonder what's happening to her," Greg pondered. He took a seat on the recliner. "Alex, do you think we can asked your dad to, you know, do what he does."

"No. That would be a violation of her privacy. And it's really rude. I'm also very curious, but I wouldn't do that to her," Alex objected. The last thing he needed was for their parents to be in this. There has to be a reason why Ria hasn't told her parents.

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