Not All Aliens Come in Peace

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Chapter Twenty-One: Not All Aliens Come in Peace

The moment the barrier crumpled down, the boys were pushed back by a strange force. All they saw was a bunch of color and then it was suddenly gone. When they got up, everything was still the same. Ria was knocked out on the ground, Silver Quill was gone, and the other guy was dead.

They ran to Rias body and shook her. "Ria, wake up," Greg patted her cheeks.

"Ria, please," Alex freaked out.

"You two take her to Alex house, I'll take care of the body," Brian told them before walking away.

Alex lifted her body effortlessly and the two walked to his house. They tried to use the route where no one would see her. Two boys carrying an unconscious girl wasn't something seen as a norm, especially since she was covered with blood and her clothes were burned in places.

They walked in through the door and Alex immediately took her to his room and laid her on the bed. He went to the bathroom, got a wet wash cloth, and wiped away all the blood from her face. He didn't want to violate her personal space, so he just left the blood on her stomach and shoulder alone. The last thing he wanted was for her to wake up and feel like he'd done something to her. She wasn't exactly fond of him.

When he walked downstairs, he saw both Brian and Greg venting at Brit.

"We told you to stop making her mad, Brittany. Had she not left the house, she wouldn't have gotten hurt," Brian yelled.

"You act like I forced her to leave. She wanted to go, so I just told her to do what she wanted," she hotly replied.

"I told you to stop making her mad. I told you that something was happening to her, yet you still wanted to complete some dumb vendetta you had against the poor girl," Greg said. He was trying his hardest not to blow up. He wanted to remain the calm one like he usually was. He frustratedly ran his hands through his curly ginger-red locks.

"It's not my fault the dumb little bitch can't control herself," she snorted.

Alex clenched his hands into a tight fist. His eyes burned a bright icy blue and his anger was boiling over.

"She didn't know what was happening to her. You think she liked going through pain for months only to have what happened to happen. I don't know what your problem is, Brittany, but if you can't keep your bitchy attitude to yourself, then you can leave," Alex seethed.

"You're asking me to leave? You're going to pick her over me? Are you serious? Can't you see that, that stupid girl is trying to tear our friendship apart. Ever since she's come here, all you do is think about her. You even picked her over Rinneas, the girl you've been pinning over since you were a kid. What does she have that no other girl has?"

Alex unclenched his fist and ran his hands over his face. "I-I don't know. Just-," he sighed. "Something about her just pulls me towards her. I don't know what it is. It's not even physical. I don't know if it's her personality or the power I felt from her. I just don't know. Being by her gives me a sudden urge to protect her. And those stupid nightmares, it's given me an even more sense of responsibility towards her."

"So you only want to protect her? You don't like her?" Brittany was feeling a sense of relief. This means he doesn't like get, right? That he still had a chance with her.

"I honestly don't know. I don't think so? Something has changed inside me. I don't know what it is, but it's cause me to feel really strangely towards her. It started the day we came back from Vedrics shop" He took a seat on the chair in the kitchen.

"So it's final then. You'd pick her over us," she asked through clenched teeth. She already could tell by the way he was talking what he was feeling. Heck, it was so damn obvious. He was just so innocent to even understand his own emotions.

He immediately looked at her. Her yellow eyes were dancing with hurt and anger. "What! No. I am not picking her over you guys. I would never do that. What I'm asking is for you to accept her because from now on, she is our responsibility."

"That girl is separating me from you guys, and you want me to accept her? Yah, like I'll ever do that."

"Brittany, she doesn't know what's happening to her. She can't control herself. Don't you remember how you were as a kid. You always used to let your anger take over making it hard for you to also control your powers. You almost killed Hector Gonzales because he pushed you off the slides in fourth grade," Brian reminded.

"She's not any different from us. She's just as new to this as we were when we first came here. Stop treating her like she's some friendship wrecker 'cause the only person who's pushing us away from you is you," Greg said.

"Just keep her away from me and we won't have a problem," she replied. She walked away from them to the living room, a devious plan forming in her head. There was no way she could convince the boys other wise. So now, she had to do something that would drop the golden girl image they had over her. She had to make Ria look like the bad guy.

"I'm going to go check up on her again," Alex told them before he head back to his room.

He walked in through the door way and saw her innocently resting. He needed to find a way to help her. He needed to help her train her on how to control her anger and power. Anger was one emotion every person of their kind should know how to control. Because if not controlled, they could wreak a lot of havoc. When a person of their kind is not in control of their emotions, they are not in control of their powers, too. They basically become a completely different person. A person who doesn't see good. Someone who only wants to hurt others no matter the consequences.

Alex always knew how to control his anger. His parents always emphasized it while growing up. But today. Today he didn't know what happened. Something inside him just snapped. He felt so angry. He felt like he was going to lose her. He didn't want to lose her, not like he lost Rinneas. Ria was beginning to become just as important as Rinneas is to him, maybe even more important.

He walked to his closet and picked out a shirt and a pair of shorts for when she woke up. She didn't have anything else to wear, so the least he could do was spare her his clothes. He set them on his desk and walked over to the bed where he sat on the edge and watched her peace frame.

He thought about today's events and a lot of things didn't add up. How has Ria never known about her powers? It doesn't make sense since they are born with their powers. It wasn't something that was easily taken away or suppressed. And her powers. How does she have more than one? Alex had never heard of a person with two or more powers. It just didn't make sense.

Who really is Ria Davis?

He thought back to when he went to see Vedric with her. Vedric said that a powerful enchantress or enchantor had done something to her. Was this what they had done to her? Did that person take away her powers? We're her nightmares her memories? If they were that means that she needs those nightmares even if they are bad.

That dream that he had gone into. That place she had dreamt up. It was so familiar. It didn't seem human like. It makes sense now. It didn't seem human made because it wasn't. It was somewhere on his planet. This means that she was also sent here as a baby. Does that mean her parents are also not human?

He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't feel her stirring next to him. He didn't feel her hand reaching for something. Something that just so happens to be his hand. One moment he was sitting on his bed peacefully and the next moment he felt excruciating pain travel from his hand all the way to his body. He felt tiny strikes of electricity damaging his every nerve. He felt his blood begin to feel warmer and his heart was beating so fast he felt like it would jump out of his chest any moment. His veins pulsed in a way he'd never felt before. He felt light headed and soon everything went black.


A much shorter part than what I normally upload only 'cause I've been so busy lately. Life is just so hectic lately. My creative juices just won't flow right. I also had no time to go back and edit, so please bare with my sleep deprived, messily typed up chapter.

Any-who, what's up with Alex?

As always, comment any errors and enjoy!!!

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