Snakes in Her Dreams

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Chapter Eighteen: Snakes in Her Dreams

I smiled brightly as I walked to my first period. Oddly enough, I felt well rested today. It felt like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders. It was strange considering I don't remember what happened yesterday or any days before that. It's like I had no recollection of my past.

Pushing the thoughts aside, I took long strides into the class and sat in my usual seat. With scrunched eyebrows, I took in my surroundings.

Where was everyone?

Since when do I sit in the front of the class?

"Ria, you're just in time. The bell should be ringing any second now," Mr. Benshaw suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Where is everyone?"

His bright smile remained intact as he spoke. His voice was much deeper and didn't hold that hint of happiness it always did. "What do you mean? Everyone is already here."

As if like magic, the classroom burst with sounds of children talking. I slowly turned my head back and saw all my classmates staring at me. The sounds of talking wasn't coming from them.

"Why am I sitting here?"

He was still smiling. Normally, people would at least look confused, but for him, it's like the words didn't make a difference. His smile was slowly making me creeped out. It was almost like it was carved into his face.

"You've always sat here, Ria," his voice deepened.

"No, I always sat in the-" I stopped mid-sentence when I realized I was now seat in my original spot next to Oliver. Except, he wasn't here today. In fact, all my classmates didn't look familiar at all. Mr. Benshaw was also beginning to look like a stranger to me.

"Ria. I think you should go get some water. You don't look so good," he spoke in a low voice.

I cleared my dry throat. "Yah. That sounds like a good idea," I all, but ran from my seat.

Just as I walked out of the door, I realized I was now standing at the old abandoned park. I looked back and saw that the door had disappeared. I'm dreaming.


How do I get out of here?

"You must remember," the voice of a male whispered by my ear.

I flinched away and quickly turned around. No one was there.

"What must I remember?" I dared to speak.

"You must remember your past," this time it was a females voice.

"My past?"

I didn't understand what that was supposed to mean. There's nothing to my past worth remembering.

"You must remember," she hissed in urgency.

"I understand that, but there's nothing to remember," I told them.

"There's always something to remember, Ria. Your mind just chooses not to tell you," someone spoke from behind me.

I turned around and came face to face with Light Speed. Why was he in my nightmare?

"But how am I supposed to remember when my mind won't let me?"

"You have to fight with the things that are blocking it. You have to let us in." He took steps closer to me.

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