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Chapter Twenty-Six: Silas

Her heart hammered against her ribcage like a lion trying to escape a cage. She felt the familiar streaks of lightning twitch against her fingers. A big grin broke out on her lips as she turned around and encircled her arms around his neck. She immediately felt his arms lock around her waist and pull her closer to him.

The boys watched in confusion- some in anger- as the two exchanged a hug that last a tad bit longer than some of them wanted. All that ran through their heads was: who the fuck is Silas?

If glares could kill, Silas would have frozen to death by now. It literally took both Greg and Brian to hold him back from having their best friend snatch the new boy's paws off Ria.

Asher stared at the dirty blond hair boy with complete disdain. The moment his hands went around Ria, he realized that this boy was going to be a problem. He liked Ria, whether it was as a friend or something more- a feeling he wasn't so sure of.

Oliver just wanted to know who this guy was. Did he go to their school? He did look oddly familiar, but his face just didn't seem to ring a bell. Maybe he'd seen him at a football game or something. Probably from a rival school.

Norman just kept having fantasies of him smack the crap out of this Silas guy. Whoever he was, he was a big problem. A problem that Norman didn't want or need in his life.

Ria pulled back from the hug when she was suddenly hit with a wave of negative energy. She turned around to look at the boys to see if they also felt it. When she faced her front towards them, they automatically changed their demeanor. As fast as Usain Bolt, they went from murderous to smiling idiots. She shrugged the feeling off and turned back to Silas.

"You came," she squealed with delight.

She could have swore she heard someone behind her fake a gag, but again when she turned around, the boys looked completely innocent. She was beginning to think she was losing it.

"Of course I came. Did you seriously expect me to forget your birthday?"

"Kinda. You didn't wish me happy birthday and for the last two weeks you've been MIA," she crossed her arms against her chest.

"I had some stuff going on and I didn't wish you only because I wanted to surprise you. I wanted it to seem as if I forgot, then watch in amusement as you see me in person. And your reaction, might I say was quite adorable," he poked her nose.

Literally all the boys rolled their eyes at his cheesiness. Can the guys get anymore corny?

She looked down at her feet in an attempt to stop herself from blushing. When she felt the familiar fire against her skin, she knew she was in trouble. She tried thinking of bad things in order to prevent herself from setting something on fire, but instead the feeling got worse.

'Think of sad puppies, Ria. Sad puppies!' She chanted those words inside her head, yet to her misfortune, it didn't work.

"T-thanks. Let me introduce you to my friends." She turned around and practically ran over to Alex. He seemed to be the only one who could tame her fire.

"Uh, sure."

"Silas, this is Alex." She wrapped her hand around his arm. Instant, the fire dimmed down.

"Why are you holding onto my hand for dear life?" He whispered in her ears.

"My powers are acting up. You seemed to be the only one who can tame it," she whispered back.

He nodded back. A small smile made its way onto his lips as he thought about her being close to him. But then he saw Silas looking at their conjoined hands with annoyance, his small smile became a full blown grin.

"This is Brian, Gregory, Asher, Oliver, and Norman."

Silas nodded at all the guys. The only person out of the group that came to shake his hand was Oliver. The rest faked a smile.

"You look quite familiar," Oliver asked.

"That's cause I went to Morrison High from freshman year to Junior. Last year, I graduated early by taking extra classes, so now I'm at college," he explained.

Silas, Sara, Joey, and Ria used to be the best of friends. He was a year older than the trio. She met him in fifth grade when he helped her carry her books back to the library. Immediately, she had a crush on him, which over time got bigger and bigger, only for it to be crushed during her freshman year. When she finally joined high school, she found out that Silas had found himself a girlfriend. Apparently, they had began dating his freshman year, but he kept their relationship a secret because her parents didn't allow her to date until she was fifteen. So, once they hit sophomore year, he revealed to everyone that they were dating.

Zendaya, Silas' girlfriend, was the one who had given him the idea to take extra classes and graduated early since that was she was doing. The boy was so in love with her that he did just that and followed her over to Cormick Central College.

Ria was obviously devastated and that was what lead her to dating Zach aka the biggest mistake of her life. He was Zendayas younger brothers best friend. He took advantage of her heartbroken state and asked her out. Ria denied since she didn't want him to be her first boyfriend, but the boy was so persistent that eventually she gave in. Little did she know what she was getting into. He was manipulative and a big douchebag. They dated their whole freshman year until Ria beat the crap out of him when he tried to force her to have sex with him in the back seat of Zendayas car. When everyone found out about what happened and what type of person he was, they shunned him and he was forced to move away.

"Oh, so that's why you're so familiar. You're the guy who's dating Zendaya Brown, right?"

"Dated. We broke up two weeks ago," his voice was sad.

Ria felt bad for him, but still couldn't deny the tiny bit of hope that bloomed in her chest. She hated how she still held a small amount of feelings for him. She had gotten over him, but seeing him bought back the memories of their friendship and the massive crush she had on him.

Before she could open her mouth, she was interrupted by Sara. "Hey, Silas, you finally made it." She gave the boy a quick hug.

Joey just high fives him. "Guys, quit standing around. Let's party!"

The two dragged Ria away from the boys and pulled her towards the water. They played and wet each other until someone announced that the barbecue was ready.


A really short part. I got extremely ill due to a flu virus that's been going around where I live lately and I kinda just lost motivation to do anything. Also, my brain just wasn't in the creative mood.

Hopefully, next part will be longer. Till then, sayonara!

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