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Chapter Twenty-Five: Surprise?

The familiar melody of Harry Potter's intro tune was what had woken Ria out of her uncomfortable slumber. Her head felt like it had been slammed against by a sludge hammer and her body ached like it had been pushed off the stairs. She felt her muscles burn with every movement she made. She hissed out in pain when she decided to sit up straight. A tinge of sharp pain ran along her shoulders and lumbar region. The shoulder pain she understood, but her waists?

Slowly lifting her hand, she rubbed her eyes and opened them to look at her surroundings. She was in her room. Next to her, her phone twitched with vibration as it played the tune to her favorite book series.  When she saw the name of her best friend pop up, her eyes widened.

She grabbed the phone and answered it, "Ria Davis, do you know what time it is? Ten forty-five! You were supposed to be up at nine thirty and call Joey or me. What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?"

Taking a deep sigh, Ria replied, "I got caught up in some stuff." It wasn't exactly the truth, but it didn't stray too far from the truth either. She just wasn't ready to tell them at this moment. Yes, they told each other their darkest secrets, but something like this wasn't exactly the easiest to tell people. What happened yesterday should not happen ever again.


The knife.


"Sara, can I call you later?"

"Fine. I'll give you fifteen minutes only because I love you."

"Thanks," she rushed before clicking on the red button.

Quickly, she made her way towards her sisters room only to find it empty. Her parents room was the same. Right as she put her foot on the first step, she heard their voices downstairs. They were speaking in hushed whispers, but her ability of super hearing made it seem as though she were right next to them.

"Do you think she'll be alright?" The voice belonged to Rose. She sounded worried, her voice breaking.

"She's be perfectly fine, Sweetie. Your sister is a strong girl, besides her abilities have healed her. I checked on her this morning," Angelika calmly assured her daughter.

Meanwhile, Ria tip toed down the stairs as they spoke about her. She was surprised Rose didn't hate her. After all, she did almost put her life in danger. Ria felt like she didn't deserve to be near them. She'd only put their lives in danger and if something happened to them, she didn't know what she'd do. Her love for them triumphs the anger she felt after knowing the truth, no matter how much it crushed her in the inside.

"I'm doing fine, Rose. I should be the one worried, I did after all put your life in danger. And unlike me, you wouldn't be able to heal yourself," her voice held shame. She lowered her head, unable to look her sister in the eye.

But, Rose obviously ignored her sisters apology. Instead, she ran to her and captured her in a bone crushing hug, successfully earning a yelp from Ria. After the initial shock wore off, she wrapped her arms around her little sister. Quiet sniffles was what made her pull back from the hug.

She looked at her sister and saw fat tears dripping down her cheeks. Her brown eyes were looking everywhere except at her.

"Rose, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion.

"It's my fault. I," she sniffled, "I pressured you into using your powers and you got hurt because of that."

Ria shook her head and sighed. "Roselyn, it is not your fault. You needed proof, I understand. Heck, even I had trouble grasping the information Gregory had told me even though I had witnessed my powers with my own eyes. What's happening to me, it's something that's not exactly easily accepted to those who aren't knowledgeable about people like me. Actually, scratch that. Even Alex and the others can't accept the fact that for sixteen years, I've lived a normal human life."

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