First Day Of School

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Chapter Two: First Day of School

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Ugh, do I have to get up," Ria groaned as she slammed her alarm. Pulling the blanket all the way up to her neck, she questioned why going to school this early was necessary.

"Ria, wake up. It's seven already, do you want to look like a bum on the first day of school," Rose said, attempting to pull the covers off her peacefully sleeping sister.

Ria didn't understand how she did it. Every single morning, Rose woke up at six and straightened her hair.

"Just five more minutes," Ria mumbled, almost falling asleep. Keyword here was almost. It would have been possible if it weren't for her conniving little sister.

"No, mom specifically said that she's leaving the house at seven thirty and remember she still has to drop me off at school," she replied before splashing Ria with freezing cold water.

"What the hell, you idiot," Ria shrieked, "you got my pillow wet."

"Well, you should have woken up when I told you the first time, but now since you're wake, you can go get dressed," she grinned, walking out of Ria's room.

"Don't think I'm going to forget this, I will seek my revenge," Ria grumbled, walking into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she quickly brushed her teeth, combed, and curled her hair into some beachy waves. Afterwards, she put on some winged eyeliner and peach matte lipstick. Walking back into her room, she made her bed. The wet stain near the head of her bed pissed her off.

Sooner or later, she will seek her revenge. Her lips twitched with mischief at the thought of karma smacking her sister.

Ria stood in front of her closet deciding on what to wear. Other than waking up, choosing what to wear was also the hardest part of the morning. No matter how much clothes she bought, she never seemed to have anything to wear.

She wanted to stand there forever and pick an outfit, but she didn't want her annoying little sister to pop in her room with more tricks up her sleeves. Rose tend to be quite the prankster when she wanted. She looked in there for a few more seconds and decided on a pair of high waisted shorts, black crop top with a teal plaid flannel on top, and black Air Jordan's.

After getting dressed, she walked downstairs into the kitchen. There sat her little sister stuffing her face with a chocolate covered donut. Ria couldn't help but wonder how the two were even related.

"What? Unlike you, I actually eat breakfast," Rose spat, spewing chunks of donut onto the counter in front of her.

"That's disgusting", she rolled her eyes, "for once can you behave as a normal human being."

"Mhhmmmmhmhm," she muffled.

"What?" Ria's face contorted in confusion.

"I said I'm hungry, gosh. You know, Ria, you don't always have to such a judgmental asshole," she swallowed her donut.

"Oh, but I do, little sister," she joked.

"Idiot," she mumbled.

"Whatever, anyways hurry up. Remember mom has to drop you off at school first," she used Rose's own words on her.

Grabbing her backpack, Ria walked to her mom's car. In just a few minutes, her mom pulled up into the parking lot of the school. There at the entrance of the school, she saw her two best friends, Sara and Joey.

Sara Almira Allen was five six and of Indian-White American descent. She had big brown eyes, shoulder length-dyed red hair, and natural tan skin. Her personality was that of a Siberian Chipmunk. She looks cute and calm, but in reality, she was dangerous and sometimes even deadly. She was a complete badass who would beat up anyone who tried to mess with her friends.

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