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Chapter Thirty-Three: Siblings

"You ok?" Alex asked Ria. His fingers held her chin delicately as he inspected her face. Even though he knew she'd probably already healed, he still felt the need to make sure she was one-hundred percent alright.

Ria wiggled her nose a little bit, sighing in relief when she felt no pain. Looking at Alex, her lips curved into a playful smile. "I'm alright, Alexie."

A giggle left her lips when he let go of her chin and rolled his eyes. She found it so funny how annoyed he'd get when she called him that. But, she didn't want to stop calling him that, not only because of his reaction, but because it seemed like it was something just between the two of them. No matter how annoying it was when he called her Ruby, she wouldn't trade it in for anything in the world.

"You have to concentrate, Ria," Gregory sighed.

She threw her hands up in the air and huffed. "I am concentrating. It's not exactly easy."

He walked over to where she now sat and took a seat next to her. "I know this is hard. I just want you to be prepared incase anything happens. Having you hurt is something neither of us want."

Brittany opened her mouth to say something, but was immediately flicked on the forehead by Brian. He gave her a deathly stare that made her shut her mouth right up.

"I know no one wants me to get hurt, but it's harder than it looks. Literally, just last week I was a normal girl with weird nightmares and now," she stopped to sigh, "It's just a lot to handle."

Gregory walked over to her and sat down. "I know this is hard for you and I'm sorry for putting too much pressure. It's just, whatever you did on your birthday, you've practically opened up a beacon in Morrison. Your power, it's strong and it's something other Eroians, especially those with bad intentions, want. They are going to come, and when they do, I want you to be prepared to save yourself."

Rita's heart suddenly felt like it came to a full stop. A beacon. She had just unknowingly put the lives of the civilians in Morrison in danger. She put her friends and families life in danger.

She needed to learn to control her powers. No one could get hurt, especially because of her.

"I promise I'll try as hard as I could," she gave him a small smile.

"Good. Now, let's start off with something else for right now. Let's try your lightning powers. Brittany has the power to control and manipulate lightning, so she can help if something goes wrong."

"I don't think I can control lightning, I think I can only emit it," Ria said.

"Well, I guess we'll find out," he told her as he began to walk to the backyard.

Alex and Brittany followed behind him leaving Brian and Ria alone.

"I think you got this. Honestly speaking, I think Greg and Alex's whole 'find your inner happiness' crap is bullshit. That day, I looked very closely at how you were using your powers," he stood in front over her. "Your powers weren't derived from happy thoughts. It's like the angrier you got, the more power you used. Just one problem was that you could control your anger."

"How do I learn to control my anger? It's something I've always had trouble controlling."

"Ask Alex. He's the one with the most anger issues out of all of us."

"Even more than your sister," she gave him a skeptical look.

"Even more than Brittany. My sisters actually a pretty nice person, I just don't understand why she hates you so much."

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