Book Two

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Book two of the secret series has just been publish. It is called Secret Boy and here's a little synopsis of it:

With the landing of a ship
And a slapping of a whip
The boy was forced to hold up the gun
Watching in misery as the damage was done


They called him Shadow because of the way he hid behind one.




All he wanted was revenge from the one who took away everything from him. The one who stripped him of his identity. The one who left him with nothing, but his shadow to keep him company.

They called him Shadow because it was all that he had left.


Just as things begin to make sense and come together, Ria is once again pulled into a world of dreams. Except this time it's not about her family. She begins to see the life of a boy whom she's never even met. And to top it all off a powerful stranger makes an appearance in town.

Who's is this stranger and why does he seem to take an interest in Ria? Who's the boy that's tormenting her dreams and why does she feel so drawn to him? Will she be able to find out who the stranger and the boy is or will it be too late? Will he be the reason she finds the portal or will he pull her farther away?

Secret Powers (Book One of the Secret Series)Where stories live. Discover now