Lost Letter

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Chapter Forty-Nine: Lost Letter

"We know each other, don't we?" Ria asked She stepped out of the bathroom. She was wearing his shirt and a pair of shorts.

He immediately stopped doing whatever he was doing and turned around to look at her. "Uh, yah," he itched the back of his neck awkwardly. How was he supposed to tell her that he's basically wanted her since he was a kid. How was he supposed to tell her that even as Ria, he wanted her more than he's wanted anyone ever.

It was amazing how Ria just so happened to be the girl he'd been pinning over. It's almost as if it was destiny for her to have come to his house. It was destiny that made the girl of his dreams became the girl he had the biggest crush on. He liked Ria and knowing that she was Rinneas made his heart beat fast and his eyes glow brighter.

"Do I mean something to you?"

"More than you can imagine," he breathed out without thinking.

She looked at the way his face brightened up and his eyes glowed. She couldn't help but compare it to the way her father had looked at her mother. On the day that she was sent here, the way her father looked at her mother while he was comforting her. He looked at her like she meant the world to him. Like there was never another day to be seen without the light from her soul in his presence. He loved her more than anything and that was why he chose to stay with her and fight. Possibly fight till the end.

Alex snapped away from his imagination and cleared his throat, "Why are you asking this?"

"Your eyes. They glow so bright. It reminds me of my father and mothers eyes. They glowed bright when they saw each other. Your eyes glow so bright when they see me. Such a beautiful mixture of navy blue and sapphire. The tiny specks of light blue makes them seem like the sky of the night on Eroas. So mesmerizing and captivating. And they seem to double when you look at me. Just like it is right now."

He never knew that his eyes turned sapphire when they saw her. He knew that his eyes got darker when he saw someone or something he liked and lighter if it was something that angered or saddened him. She was so observant, but how does she know about the eyes. Rinneas doesn't remember anything about Ria. Did Ria ever notice his eyes?

"You are quite observant."

"Something about you makes me feel comfortable. I feel like I can talk to you and not feel scared." She didn't know how she felt so comfortable saying all this, but she did. She didn't stutter or second guess. She said whatever she wanted. She was nothing like Ria, but maybe that was because Rinneas wasn't influenced by society like Ria was. Or at least she didn't remember it.

He stepped closer to her and she followed his lead. There was something he'd really wanted to do for such a long time now, but he was afraid she'd freak out. Would she reciprocate his action?

She closed her eyes and got on her toes. Slowly, she leaned forward and bought her face closer to his. Her hand pressed against his chest right where his heart was. It was beating so fast. The rhythm matched hers. What was this feeling and why did it feel like something was flying inside her stomach. She could feel the fire inside her crawling around her arms. They had no effect other than showing just how she was losing control near him. She had no grip on herself or her feelings. She didn't feel like herself, she felt like someone else.

Ria. It was the name that swarmed inside her head. That's what Alexander called her. She was his Ria. That's why she felt like this. As Ria, she must have really liked this boy.

Her lips slowly grazed his. It was light as a feather. His lips were soft and cold and everything right.

He wanted this so badly, but he knew that she wasn't doing this. Ria wasn't doing this. It was the damn attraction they felt. Ria didn't want him. She hated him and somehow this felt like wrong. It felt like he was taking advantage of her.

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